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Summary of Contents for Concourse 2100 2005

Page 1: f J __ WW 2OO5 OWNERS MANUAL CHINOOK is a division of Trail Wagons Inc Yakima Washington ...

Page 2: ...vice Floor Plan and Feafi lres Vehicle Operation Electrical Systern F resh Water System Waste Water Systern LP Gas Systern Maintenarnce 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 1 20 23 25 29 31 9 Technicalspecifications n0 Frequently Asked Questions 32 ...

Page 3: ...ttimg the nignadng plumahimg water and heating systems for any rmalfrrnetions that rmay have occurredl dlurimg shiprment ftom the factory lll appliances are cheanredlhy tnae dealer at the timae of purclaase Hle is ohligated to explaim amdl dlemonstrate the onreration of youn eqllitrlment and accessories answe r ques tioms and man e mliraon adljustmemts For furtlaer instructions on onlenatiom rmair...

Page 4: ...xtended use Tlaat is why after yom have rmet your frrst ohligation hy suhmittimg yonnr warranty card you rmust he preparedl for am ora goimg responnsihiiity nrrevemtive maintenamee You have just hought tlae ffiraest mirai motorlaomle in tlae wornd andl we want you to enjoy cvery maile of it A ll you fiaave to dlo is reny om tnae tips amdl reeomrxmnenndlatioms ofrflened om tlae foffiowing n ages SH...

Page 5: ...tions are a so listed om a lahel loeated on tnae inside of the closet dloor COACH BATTERY SYSTEM AXn rmodlens of the Chinook rnotorhomle conne with a state of t ae art haftery systerm tneat incnudes a tow Vontage Diseonneet I VD ar rdl a u Srmarto solenoid With ttrre I VD aceidental drainage of your coacta hatteries wiffi he minirmizedl if r lot enirmimatedl entirely With the Srnant solenoidl yoll...


Page 7: ... o n rrl l 6 r rfl fug I oqA ztsE 4d sd E a I F w H E E a C CU I l r o o a t 1 rrl E I I o T 2 o Efii HE ErE ilBE nfiI Bla t 3 L TE t 1 FLOOR PLANS FEATURES ...

Page 8: ...FLOOR PLANS FEATURES o Tl m 5 r r l TI n TI Z f a rl m t s I s f rEF frcfr ETT inH E Hd fi lfi a E q ffix HffifiEE i iE ii Srsf is fiIf EHg rra i ...

Page 9: ...o 4 rq 6 r rft EHI at HEE Iil a I E ii vlo B 3B E FLOOR PTANS FEATURES ...

Page 10: ...l _ FLOOR PLANS FEATURES o l m E 5 r r l T f h q J h a a rrl t i tsts EEi nEX HTE 83 I BE HE t 1 ...

Page 11: ...are provided if the rmotor hrorme is to he used for extended nleriodls 5 Mlanre certair r your jacnr fleandle andl nug wrenc h are properly stowedl amdl ira goodl working order 6 Checl to see that youn X X 0 volt power cordlis stowed in its eornpartmxemt 7 tse snmre yonmr ffire extimguisher is securedl and easilly acaessihle E Cheel to see that sueh aacessories as the plastic scwer hose with ffiff...

Page 12: ...IIns lr0rmlt0HE 0t ttR u 3rAll4fi rfinPMrilI e lDl wc vrilLu 10iiGl f lftlcttlwllr mfitrj flc as s rYflffiEnil6ffil tt lmi rtfifEvJlmtitN0llltlil morjtriol0 fr 0rd i Nltfi c s 5 00oc WARNING Exceeding ttre cargo weight capacities of your motorhorne can cause undesirable handling characteristics and rnay create a safefy hazard If you modify your rnotorhome by adding racks not supplied by the rnanuf...

Page 13: ...approximately 9 without roof air eondlitionirag amd 9 lA 1 2 with irt koid low overhead cteara xee areas suclh as now roofs at service statioms This is espeeially impontamt as you dlrive with the overheadl vent open or if you have a roof storage nrodl or air aomditiomer When parnrimg rennnemxhen that the rear wlaeels are widler than the motorhomle A J so whem parl ing om alx imcnine your fromt whe...

Page 14: ... ernergemay exit lfhese exits should he nrept unohstructed and freeto oXlem compnetely lEmerg enc Start In the event that tnae vehiane chassis hattery is drained you can tap into the coach hatteries witla tnae Vehicne Eoost Starto switch ocatedlahove the driver s seatto start the emgine Note that this switeh meedls to he depressedlwhile simlultaneously rurning the ignition nrey on Auxiniar tights ...

Page 15: ...mpnete operatimg instnuctions for tnae umit instailed hy Chinoon l aese irastructions comtained in the owmer iraforrmatiom amdl warranfy pacnrage sleoalndl he readl completely hefore attemptimg to onrerate the generator Im adldition to tnae switcna provided om tnae front panel of the Genset affi modens have a genera tor start switch ahove tnae wardlrohe door amdl Comcourse rmodlens have a secondlo...

Page 16: ...rter ruruairag ofr of X X OV snaore power o r tlae generator or through two coach hatteries Soine auxiliary tr2V power is also supplied frorm ttae roof rmoumtedlsolar panel Power Converter The nlower comverten whieh is eomhined witla tnae claarger arad flalse panel is reqr liredlto eonvert nn0V power to L2V po Men Wlhen slhore pourer is availahle or the genxerator is mlrmedl on 1 2V powen is suppn...

Page 17: ...d using power frorn the aoacla hatteries hy activating the rEE trCtE tsOOST START switeLr while sirmuXtareeously turning the igdtiom nrey on NOTE If the COACH BATTERIES switctr is in the STORE position when shore power is plugged in an alarm will be activated and the red light labeled SWITCH TO ON IF LIT will be illurninated In ttris situation turn the switctr to the ON position the alarrn will st...

Page 18: ...tems in tnais aomlnlartlmen rt m xay hlocn the vents or short out tnae hatteries lHlours of use hetween charging dlepends ora the current draw armps of the appliamees im use andltlae length of time they are usedl 12V AUTOMOTTVE ae fonlowing optional 12V appliances are n owered ofr of the vehiene elcetuical systemr X R ear view rnirror 2 Power side rnirrors 3 u Beverage Mate cup holders 4 Driving f...

Page 19: ...l rrl h I 3 b l G rrl E YLJ Z f a V l i 1 t J r Z u v ffrJ tt1 qr c c f J r fi n a 5 r C t i r r TN q rrl u rI n f J Tl r G re m t r I x3 t J d lJi fi Zb r J ltt d U m an trl x frl o x rf Z g G L t i 4 rc 4m U K bx r mp bg nm _t ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ...

Page 20: ... b 1 r rl1 e 3 fi 6 Rea k dl J1 x x 0 x m x x T F Z rlt flr h t u 3 1 tl fi Z rt Z Q t J 3 fi r m dds p J da i r e9 g c c 4o r r s 3 q3 4h t o 1 3d l F the e tr o x g s F a z H x x m x caca6 sacafi ocai crt c5 38 triE3 cacaB eca8 ...

Page 21: ...he water system is not ir r r lse on hoohedlup to eity water CITY WATER A dlirect comnection may he rulade to a city water pressure systennn through am imnet ffitting in the o service eentetr om the driver s side of thre rnotorhorne lMhen using tnae city water hoo up it is not rneccssary to operate tlhe water puffip WATER HEATER AIn modlens are providledlwith a hot water heater locatedlhehiradlthe...

Page 22: ...of water When you are readly to use the unit agaira reffiffi the tank and drain compnetely them reffiIl with fresh water WINTERIZING To wimterize the fresh water system ffirst dlrain tlae fresh water nines and tamnr Next adld a treconnrrxerndledl solution to nrrevent freezing im traps amd otnaer water ffinned cavities im t ae drainage system omly WARNING Do not use antif reezes other ttran those r...

Page 23: ... 3 4 fi f 1 s F v 2r fr Ti s t fi a fr N v Z tfp b tu tu p nq Ht B 5i g tr 4 x 7 a4 xa 5 7 rq J f 0 FRESH WATER SYSTEM r E ...

Page 24: ...the valves and secure them lfnae system is now cormpletely drainedl andlready for use 7 Ut ize hlacl tan fnush each time tan ks are emptied n oeated at left near 8 Return the flexihne se N er hose to its storage tuhe and secure the cap NOTE A false reading from the monitor panel indicating that a holding tank is full even after it tras been drained can occur especially on ttre ttblack water tank T...

Page 25: ... mff til p C t5 rrl r 1 r l P VU f ltl T uo ln A t t h U Uffi r g fll b rm ilh gffrtoeffi 5 HH n C tr fr4r n a frS 6 TJ YJ a 6T hJ tnb r 5 c LC d Z Ain L A ls w z 11 o m v cf o d s l f u I 1 x a t 3 l x rr l b r 1 t jf 8 nX g z 64 qo t l F sb f Ul m r rrl tl t rri rq G m z i r I rfl r a r rrl d rl r z m rl il trl Nlin Yl I rrl 6 rO A m b t m t l P J i J rrt 7 F rrl h i l rau un u I q3 7 m sE Sg g ...

Page 26: ...ied on Diesel naodlels To assure safe tnouhle free operation readl the manufacturen operatfurg instruatioms for eaena appniamcc cormpneteny hefore use lEaena appliance m lamual ean he found in the ou nen s packet providedl witfla your maotorhorne SAFETY lfo enstnre safe operatiom of your LP appliances you strould he aware of rhe fonXowing warnings and warmimg nahels A O NING LP Gas containers shal...

Page 27: ... comtai ner tlais lahen readls A o rNG Do Nor FrLL NTAINER To M RE THAN 80 ERCENT OF CAPACITY FAILURE TO COMPLY COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INIURY Oveffifling tnae tP Gas container can result in uneomtrolled gas flow whiela can cause ffire or explosion properny ffiIled aontainer will contain approximately 80 percent of its volume as niquid n P Gas A O ING Do not use fuel burning equipment inc...

Page 28: ... o ooING Do not use a lighted match or sirnilar device to detect LP gas leaks 3 Xf a neak is suspectedl immedlia fely turn ofr the rmair l service vanve on the tan k amdl ash your JLP gas deaXer to checn the systern 4 n11 an ernnergemcy the tan service valve rnus be readiny aceessihtre Never attach a nocn or dleviee requirimg a ey specian tools or l nowtredge to open or ctrose this valve 5 When tl...

Page 29: ...u 00 Q a lJ 0u 34 3 u x m r T frB dr6 c q 4 nt B H p X u ft B x tR tn g q q ag xfru sst f C u n o 9 fr r s t x q x W x b E fi q fq m t 0 2 p t v x ryi ft 6s ft fx i E 7 s x u 3 b o 3 fr d p 16 HX sfr t 8fr1 3 b d 6H 6 ffi i Y in fi hffH fr nHs px 6 te 4p pn uss d xm qgF e a th 2 n a6f 2e 8 oFi Bqg k p i Yts q fft 7 F D fi a fl r i M g T f B HS I o Es U SH ry g gw tlr C p 3 ...

Page 30: ... waximg The exterior conor nrey trirn sftrould he caredlfor as desanihedl ahove Do not use gasonine or sonvemts Cneam witna rmildldletergents and tnaem wax to restore luster gemts not reeornrnendledlfor aneanirag the ffiherglass inelude the foffiowimg Comtaet rmanufacturer hefore usimg any solution ttrat is not listedt X Gasonine 2 Carhom tetraalanoride 3 testoil 4l Pine son 5 n ysol 6 A hrasives ...

Page 31: ...s to prevent rattles resunting fnom vihration nf the exterior of your rmotorhomae is puncturedl imrmedliateny cover the pumefure witna a nliece o1 waternlroof material amdl tape This wiln prevent rmoisture from getting rt arougna andl dlamaging the imterior Keep the punchlre patchedl im this rmannmer until your dleaner can repair it or refer you to a qualffied scrvice facinity Roof Imspection Tanr...

Page 32: ...rts includlimg the driver personatr henomgings food fresh water LP gas tools tongue weight of towed vehiene dlealer imstanledl accessories ertc tneat cam trae earriedl by rthis rmotorlaonae NCC is equan to or less than GV WR rraimtrs UVW zil GCWR Gross Cornbination Weignrt Rating ffireans the value specified hy rthe rnaotorhomre rrnarxufacturen as the nrnaxinrnrnnxx anXowahne loaded weight of ithi...

Page 33: ... fam has to rum at a pre set RPN4I hefore the gas vanve winn opem amdlaffiow tnae frermaae to night 3 Checn the heat vemts to r malke sure tlhe hutterflies atre openn Cnosedlvemts cann cannse low RFll s Problem lflae f urmace hnows coldlair Suggestion n C aech tlae I F hoffine to mnan e sure t hat it is on 2 Claecnr the tnaermostat for t ae temperature settimg 3 Checn tlae hutterflies in tlae heat...

Page 34: ...h to manre sure it is on TV settimg llhis switcna is located in tnae fromt overhead storage This switch has 2 f umetions he o side wlaicna is tlae uppcr huttom comtrols the antemna VCP tlhe B sidle lower hutton is for eahtre hoon up andlmay also he used for a DSS ar aterura 2 Check thelfV rrxenu sereen r for setting TV in Antenna NIode 3 Cleecn the tV antenna hooster to rman e sure it is turned on...

Page 35: ...REQ U ENTLY AS KED QUES T ONS Problern NTlLlat is the reconnnnnnemdedl tire pressure Suggestion 65 PStr for front tines aradl 6CI PSn in the hach You can adljust as rnecessary sonme suggest anound 55 34 ...
