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8-4. Calculation
Configure calculation settings to perform arbitrary calculation for each individual channel. Each calculation is performed at
the same intervals as input.
Data (including communications input) is processed according to the calculation settings except when the "calculation
type (Kind)" is set to “None”. The processed data is displayed/recorded as each channel data. Also, alarm judgment is
made on the processed data.
There are 16 types of calculation including “None”. When you select “Formula” or “BrokenLine”, you need to set
corresponding parameters described in “8-5. Formula Settings” or “8-6. Broken Line Approximation Table Settings”.
1. Calculation types and set parameters
Set parameter
None None
Arithmetic 1 (MUL)
Ax + By + Cxy + D
A, B, C, D: constant
x, y: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Constant (A, B, C, D)
Channel No. of data (x, y)
Arithmetic 2 (DIV)
Ax ÷ y + B
A, B: constant
x, y: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Constant (A, B)
Channel No. of data (x, y)
Natural logarithm (LOGe) LOGex
x: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Channel No. of data (x)
Common logarithm
x: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Channel No. of data (x)
Exponent (Power)
x: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Channel No. of data (x)
Extraction of square root
Rx: channel data (input voltage, etc.)
Rs: range upper limit
Rz: range lower limit
Ss: scale upper limit
Sz: scale lower limit
Decimal point position for result
Channel No. of data (Rx)
Calculated from measured value of dry bulb (x)
and wet bulb (y) using relative humidity table
x, y: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Channel No. of data (x, y)
Max value (High-Peak)
Maximum measured value (x) in an interval
Decimal point position for result
Start time
Channel No. of measured value (x)
Min value (Low-Peak)
Minimum measured value (x) in an interval
Avg value (Avarage)
Average measured value (x) in an interval
Absolute value (ABS)
x: channel data
Decimal point position for result
Channel No. of data (x)
Integration (INT)
See “8-4.4. Integration”
Communications input data (last updated
communications input data regardless of
communication type)
Preset calculation cannot be performed for
communications input data, but calculation using
“Formula” is available.
Decimal point position for result
Data communications channel No.
(Reference No. is assigned to each
Arbitrarily entered formula
Decimal point position for result
Formula (interval, start time, unit of
integration* and integration reset
method* and integration reset by
remote contact ON*)
* These become effective when
“integration” is specified in a formula.
Broken line
Decimal point position for result
Broken line approximation table
Channel No. of data (x)
*1: If a measured value y is 0, the following value is obtained depending on Ax value.
0: OVER Ax = 0: 0
0: -OVER
*2: This formula is used when the measured input voltage (Rx) is 1% or more of the set range (Rs – Rz).
When it is less than 1%, the scale lower limit (Sz) is used.