Chinavision CVVX-M286 User Manual Download Page 8

Summary of Contents for CVVX-M286

Page 1: ...User Manual ...

Page 2: which allows you to perform actions in the current inlerface or ootions m6nu a Pr s fr to open the phone s m nu then you uld h F to l k the screen tum off the phone or set it to the silent mode up a Pae lo rncrease ue volume Pre it to tum the phone to vibmtion mode frcm th6 sitenl a Press it to decrease the volume Proximity sensor aCover it and th6n lhe phone s backlightwill tum off a Enterin...

Page 3: ...o ableffe notif tion in WLF setings The sbtus box will show this i n A when open avaitabte ilretess neNork tounded 4 Touch one ofbe Wi Fi choices to connectthe netuork ffien you choose opon netoo phone frll nned to itautomatically tf you ch s WEp WPA wPtr wilh pasilod you should type the passwd frst hen louch to Notices when Ss phone is nn ded b the wireless neMork The sbtus boxwillshowhisWi Fii n...

Page 4: ...lher WLFi netuorks 1 ln ihe interfa ofwiEless and neMork touch Wi Fi seffngs The founded WLFi netuo ks will show on the WLF n6tuo tist 2 Touch other Wi Fi netuo s and then you can nned to his netuolk Noti s in additon you can surf the intemel via GPRS We def autt that the GPRS in SlMl is openod aflersbded usere 6n seled manoatty the specific lo tion is sflingsrykeless and intemeEdah nndion touch S...

Page 5: ...u of diale entorthe phone number and S n click the diating kq ai6r tha you should choce one StM crd or intsrnet call tf n eded to lt he etrension you could click lhe diat pad in the bofrom of lhe screen to open 8 ss Inteface or ra meM keyb stect delay aecondgl adlh eii blallhe i numberoftheextension i irJ i ri j lt i rr rl Telephone calls in ihe call log i r rrr i i i i Every telephohe nuhbs taild...

Page 6: ...kgrcund are hos Imivd anC mesages wU wnire background are those sent Send SMS to etuin phone number I Pres home me aging touch new messges 2 ln the inteface of 6dit a Click lecipient box to sbd input method you n atso ctick entefbox to sbd input methcd in that way you en onter dar teB b ClictSe bunon of send from SiMl or StM2to shn sending Send MMS to roin ohone number Whencreating message it was ...

Page 7: ...s tnc uding rne contacb of phone and SIM card b You can selecl one or more individuat contact clici Oetee Celete al tne ar rolGcls MenL g o ps a default roup includetViessooim6te friends FamilyCo oiker D SelectAod Grnup edir r1e rex group rarc and go o lhe roilact iFaro nredace you cal ddo rne q oup L olracl 5 contacb menu speed dial a Voicemail b o 2 gnurbers chck Tap ro add soeed dail_ sete t a ...

Page 8: ...ormation ofthe curent brcwsing e Share pagqsledbe Bluet th or SMS b share the curent psge i Downloads show all Se 6nEnt domlod d g Hisbry Show your brosing history ad dew he most vasated pages of intomation h Ssfrng conEinE a vadety of brcr stngs 10 Recorder Re rder can re ad voi and send it quidly Ua Btuet b or MMS as weil as make it as ring tone Noti s recodercan only savethe audiofil6s asAMR fo...

Page 9: ...rface You couid set be alam a rding to your needs tn the interface ofalarm will show throe closed alams fuo alarm cl ks are 4onday to Fdday 8 30 9 00 Edit You cn edit the curentalarm you could editlime ringing tones vibration repeatfom and bbs Press for long fre fme stoph6ahm changealarmsotings Gn l tsc alarm ln the inlerfa of alam setings you uld perlom the operations of changingtime r peat dngto...

Page 10: ... do the Under mem vieffindermode press l lenu you can switch to video or photos gallery On the lop right of camem viMnder mode display the previewolthe p evious picture Touch preview box th photo display on full screen and you cn enlarge itlo viewdebils User Manual Camera setings bu on 1 EV bunon 2 S ne mode buton 3 Picture Size buflon 4 white balan bufion 5 lmage adjustment Touch sei bu on you n ...

Page 11: ...ilb viil pi res on fultsm You n tue b display smdl d large thumbmits Hold dom lhe sre6n tMds he lefr side to viil tu ned phob o towaids right b view the pEvious ln be photo album or list pcss and hold dom the pidre towards tefr to view be nei pdure ortoMrds dghl to view the pEvious on6 Crop ima s ln fre phobs gallery pre the photo you want b crop ch se menu md6 and crop then lhe instrumenb of copp...

Page 12: ...ic The phone can play digibl audio fles in memory rd The following fomab aro available AMR M4A MlDl MPs WAV OGG Press home louch the label ofappli tions touch music Then Se inteface of l lusic Media appears Your music frles are classifrsd aGording to the following four categoiles Afrisb albums songs and play lisis Touch one ofthese tegories you cn view lhe lisl inside Continue the operations until...

Page 13: will be set as the noiice ingtone 8 ityou wantto cutthe song to the ringtone you can p 6ss the menu and seled the song as dngtone and lhen touch lhe cut ringtone As shown ycu 6a chocse the 6tadtime and lhe end lime at last touch the save frwill be saved to ringtone lt n be set 10 the default tingtoie n be assigned to lhe nbd as the ingtone of the conbcts 16 Calender Enter the calender applicati...

Page 14: ...headphonbs Men listening you cn switch it manually to speakers or lhe mode with wked headphones Open FM radio Toud this label ffi to open tne apptication ofFI Edio Click the Back buflon the radio progEm move to fre background and you can still continue to lislen to programs and olher applicatons run at the same time mt Pressmenuandclick M toextraoio 26 Colledthe channel you are fuffi Press the men...

Page 15: ...allGt c C6ll broadca d Minute reminder e Phone seflings f TTY sefrnqs tt Audion prcfleE ftjs option gives he ptu C slairyE Eh 6dE iE s notifi tion lncludire frdn Efg E nT G rfri d fedback Buton op rdhf Sqrd 5 E M To adapt every envion 1 Sel t Standad MG Ctu k Td the Wt on tu dght when turns green ilre 2 Volume lncludiretu digtudamffietrngs you n manually slide to s6l6d oi pr J a Brightne Adjust he...

Page 16: ...e oo o I 1 Mew SD Card and Phone Memory 2 Uninstall or Formal SD Card Languases ano xeytoao E 1 Selecting Language Distdd lndude all lhe tanguagos on the phone and toblly amountof 12 kinds 2 Custom Dictionary Add words to cuslom dictionary or detete 3 Keltoard Setings VibBting men bunons a e pressed ptaying sound when butons are presed Capiblizing automdi lly Speech tnput by mimphone on the keyboa...

Page 17: ...aged 6 T0 avoid the phone in a lit cigaret near open flame orany hatsouJ 7 Do nol op n the devi non prctussional approaci will do damage b the phone 8 Do not throwt lrom height knock or shake se phone rcugh handling en damag intemal circuil tuds g Do not paintthe phone bMusethe Fintwill block headphones mimphones or other movable pafu and lead it nol rc 10 Use clean sofl drydolh b cleanthe camera ...
