Chinavision CVACX-C406 User Manual Download Page 28

Summary of Contents for CVACX-C406

Page 1: ...DVDlVCD CD MP3 MP4 JPEG support MPEG5FOrmat 7 9Ⅱ TFT LCD HEADREsT DVD PLAΥER UsER sⅢ Ⅱ UAL 邳孑 镯麇 照甲 亚 壬亻Mm旺 slGnk ...

Page 2: ...ppⅡ Cation of remote controⅡ er L Description for pressingˉ keys of remote contro er M Basic operations POwer on off Disk loading Disk removing UsB and SD card reading N Function of keys PoWer COver openIng Play pause Fast fo冂 Vard fast backward Prev丿 next stop return sIoW Ι Program Repeat Root menu PBC Display Mute zoom GOto Audio subUⅡe TiⅡ e menu 01 02 03 o4 o4 05 07 08 o9 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 ...

Page 3: ...e speaker setup R Description for pIaying of disks Play MP3 JPEG disks Disks aVaⅡ abIe for this pIayer MPEG4decoding technOIOgy Description for pIaying N门 P5disks Q operation for game functions R Troubleshooting s Technical speCifiCat ons 22 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 UsB sD card TFT menu DVD AV TFT s VV o Menu operation system setup 1 system 2 AUTO pIay 3 PassWord 4Ra刂ng 5Defau ...

Page 4: ...onaI personneI or our authorized maintenance center The plaveris θ qu pped kh TFT color LCD it is frangibIe to be carefulin deⅡ ˇ ering and insta ing DO not clean the device bV corrosiˇ e chen1ical detergent soft CIoth is recommended The operating voltage is DC12V 2V the pIayer sha be orked abnorma y or be damaged if the voltage higher orlowerthan the a owed range The plaveris equ pped with radium...

Page 5: s of ρ urchased cIeanimg dish for detaⅡ ed oρeration It shouId be damp pr rash ρ oof and ρ ressure proof DeW ln the beIoW conditions noisture shall be formed on the Iens deW formation C臼 rry the pIayer fronn the Co d pIace to arm pIace In the conditIon of big temperature diⅡ erence such as at the1noment of opening the heating device Ifthe deW is formed it shaⅡ affect the normaI work of the pIay...

Page 6: ...e check the o oWi g aCCessoⅡes after pe g the package 铫 0 ⅡⅡ Ⅱ at踟 o om0uⅡ sk ote oa dow Ioad the games tho i oΓ eti totho VsB Or me 臾 犭 iI The connection Iine of air wire NOte the foⅡ owing three kinds of accessories optional by customers 恁 o ote c 12 ...

Page 7: ...dio a dˇ ideo output fu ctio a d they are i sta ed atthe two s de of carby pa rto s p卩 0rt the sy chro o s eyjoymemt ofˇ deo image With UsB a d cards reaJer fuctions ca se VsB OrsD Ⅲ s mⅢ c cards p ay mP3n Ⅲn Ⅲ P4 als ca doW Ioa刂 Ⅲ P3几 ⅢA Ⅲ P4 Ⅱt0UsB orsD Ms MⅢ C through PC Dow Ioad the Ⅱat ˇ e Games for n th s ebs te ppIyi g Inore k ds of games for yo 啪Ⅱ 0 移 愚 唧 嚣 嚣 躅 饔 夸 鳓 馕 髑 耱 巍 镞 奋 艹 IⅡ 喀 峦 Ⅱ...

Page 8: ...rce and the audio frequenCylines through the ohair steel pipe and connected on the powersource the sound and Video frequency system w h the Vehicle simu aneouslythe head rest W l be fiXed and wi freeIy to adjustthe height around size based on the front seat personnelrequest Red 12V Blaok grounding Fuse boX Ye olAl Vide nput VVh e Aud L inp凵 t Red Audi R input Ye w V洄 e utput Wh e A凵 d0L0utpu1 Red ...

Page 9: ...usER sⅢ Ⅱ u 0F UToⅢ oB LE HE DREsT DˇD PLAVER ...

Page 10: ...isc l ading entrance 1 DVD 23456 1 Previous traok L ng press the key forthe Volume 2 Menu 3Next track Long press the key forthe Volume 4 PoWeron of 5 AV sWitohing 6Play pause 7Disc elect 8 sD card reading slot 9 UsB read丨 ng port 10AV in 11 Earphone jack 12DC12V jack 9 10 1112 ...

Page 11: ... c 婴 D 螂 蚋螂 蚋 蚋 呐螂蚋蚋 螂 蚋 心 砷 螂 砷 蚋螂蚋 砷 蚋 蚋蚋 蚋 蚋蜂蚋螂 蚋 咖咖螂 蚋咖蚋 螂螂螂咖螂螂螂螂螂 螂蚋螂 2 Ⅲ0N T0R 1UpWard 2 Menu 3 DOWnWard 4 PoWer on o仟 5 PositiVe adjustment 6 AV sⅥⅡ tching 7 NegatiVe adjustment 8AV in 9 Earphone jack 10DC12 jack 1 l鹜 嚣 嗨 鬻 鬻 吝 奋 奋 畲髑隅 丨 oading entrance ...

Page 12: note haˇe be oWs side is negatiVe 3 we cam begin t use remote contr Ⅱ er after battery ready finish and cIose the batteη coVe Cautions In orderto prevent the batterv Ieakage ifthe remote contro er sha be not used forlong time longerthan one month pIease take outthe batterv if there is liq id fIowing o t wipe aWav carefu y and then reIoad the neW batterv 冖 骢 褶嚅黼滟噙乩 抄 J stalled s划 灬be exposed b c...

Page 13: ... and the Contro er the remote contro er m ght be out of use Do not pIace the remote contro er unde the strong Iight or t might cause the unaVaⅡ abⅡ ty ofthe deVIOe Please operate the remote controⅡ erin the effective distance App 0钔on f始瞒 汹 浴 co0奋 Fol奋 杏 Ⅱ App cation of remote contro er 1 HOrizontaⅡ 30 2VerticaⅡ 30 3Straighuine 3meters 3n1eters 齐礻 一 Caution The mostfunctions could be operated by t...

Page 14: ...ast defInⅢ On COlOr and刂 nt Disρ ay the disk丨 nfOrmatiOn and ρ laylng ume Direc On seleC刂 ng key 狲 默 l 丨 氵 Jc ll 押 sh剐 ava aue 1 Disc eject 4 FastfOrward Or backward 5 6 7 黼 脯 1 n 毳 DVD AV swⅡching ii subtⅢ e sw ching used fOr sVCD DVD and MP4disks w h muⅡiple subuUes Only 12 Language swⅡ ching key used fOr sVCD DVD and MP4 disks W h mu iρle languages O冂 丨 y channel sW ching key fOr VCD 13 糕l跚 mul...

Page 15: ...nthe state of PoWer oFF and no diskis oaded ihside connectthe external memorizerto the corresponding usB port and then press Po er keyto poweron the player the device sha deteCtthe signal source automatica y including v丨 deo audio and image and the player sha play automatica y ifthe signal source formatthat compⅡ esˇVith the player s detected 2 ln the state of POWer OFF and no diskisloaded inside ...

Page 16: ... player sha play the disk repeatedly as per the fo oWing method Press Fastfor Vard key theimage sha be played forˇ vard quickly atthe time no sound sha be outputtθ d press the key successiVe丨 y the player sha p ay the disk repeatedly as perthe fo oWing method FastforWard backward 丬 2 X40 X8丬 X20 PIay __ κ Previous 丬 N ext Press the Previous key to selectthe ρ revious trackto play Press the Next ke...

Page 17: ...eys are not aVa ab e only the pre V ous neXt key oould be used lfyou vantto cancelthe progralη nning function press Program key to enterthe menu interface and select Clear key and then press Enter key to confirm REPEAT Repeat play RepeatedIy play the selected title chapter DVD ortrack album VCD CD disk ln playing DVD disk press the key successively to seloctthe tⅡ le or chapter of DVD to pIay For ...

Page 18: ... The playing of currenttiue 留 Title 1 1 Chapter 29 000 00 2 1岁 影 8瓦 点早 莒 l J 型 d曲e丨 anguage numbersupported channel ψ pe su 川 e displaylanguage and angle type 2 3EngI灬h口彐 2CH 匚D oFF 巴 N 早 膏 黾 εi 苜 早 l 吊 只 JT8品寇 氵 眩 慨 rCD TRAoK加 15cnll PBc OⅩ 000 00 12 胥 多 f皆廿 逗 嘏罹苫 刂 堪龈樾 馘萏 1 i 11衷 jm山 MUTE First丨 y pressthe Mute key the pIayer sha play the image Without sound output further press the keyto cancel...

Page 19: ...e disk AU Dl0 DVD dlsk supports eightlanguages at most ropeated y press Language key to selectthe diffe rentlanguage to p丨 ayⅡ fthe disk hasn tthelanguage menu the user may also change thelang uage by menu ln playing VCD orindiVidual V p4disk press audio key to channellmode Note Audio function is not aVa able for MP3 CD W 田 A JPEG andindiV丨 dual MP4disk sUBTlTLE Open c丨 ose the subtitle selectthe ...

Page 20: ...ct any one angle to Watch 1 Press Angle on remote controⅡ erto se丨 ect angIe1and the top right corner ofthe T sha display 2Further preβ s Angle on remote cOntro erto select angle2and the top right corner ofthe T sha disp丨 ay 1 0 10 Press any number keyto selectthe traok orchapterto be played and set up the p丨 aying ti丨ηe The playerfeatures number key direct selection function press the your desire...

Page 21: ...nat on W h the direct on key to adjustthe brightness contrast color definⅡ ion hue and other modes After adjusting the parameters press TFT MENU keyt return and the set parameters sha be saved DVD AV Video AV sWitching key Press the key the player sha sˇ vitch DVD state丨 nto AV lN state the Video signalinputted by the Video terminalsha be displayed on the TV screen lfthereis no s丨 gnalinputted it ...

Page 22: ...figure is for reference on y a 丨 s subjeCtthe real ρ roduct The setup methods descr bed in thisinstruction are fortheir common parts otherfunCtions are recommended to use the defau setup T system see Ⅱ gure2 1 Press setup keyenterthe setup system select TV sys tem and press Enter key to oonfjrm then the screen H display the picture as figure2 2 EnteΓ the submenu ifyou Wantto setthe system to be PA...

Page 23: ...screen wi dispIay the piCturθ 3 2 Enterthe submθ nu Ifyou wantto opθ n That亻 un ct on select 冫 N then press Entθ rkθy thθ n prθ ss setup keyto ex the sθ tuρ system 3 PAssWORD see figure4 li Pross sotup koV ontorthe set ρ svstθ m s0Iect TV sVs tem and ρ roBs ntor kov to comf rm thon the screen wi d sρIav th picture as f g re4 Figurθ 4 20 ...

Page 24: ...on tWantto saVe the setup ofthe funCtioms by yourseIf ofthe picture and Voice ofthe ρ Iayer on the abnˉ ormaI cond ion pIease seIect Reset option and the DVD pIayer wi resetto the eXˉ factory parameters TV sΥsTEⅢ AUTO PLAV TV TΥ PE PAssWORD RATlNG REsvmE DEFAuLT 1 κ D sAFE 2G 3PG 4PG13 5PGˉ R 6R 7NCˉ 17 8ADVLT Figure6 囤 tV sΥ sTEm uTo pLAv TV TYPE PAssWORD R TING REsVⅢ E DEFAVLT REsT0RE 回 ...

Page 25: ... spanish French and POrtuguese Select Enter keyto confirm and then press Setup keyto ex the menu setup 2 AudiO Ianguage subtitIe Ianguage and menu language see figure8 1 Press setup key andthe TV screen wi display the system setupimage select Language Setup and then selecty ur desired language option press Enter key to confirm the TV screen sha dispIay the image as figure8 2 select your desired au...

Page 26: ...stereo for5 1channel output the audio sha output two roads of signaI le channeI and right Chamnel the common stereo signaI sha be outputted V rtual surround in playing5 1channel recorded disks the main channeI shaⅡ outputthe Vi ual surround efect Note A setup option Could exitthe menu by pressing SETUP key The system setup menu sha boa Ⅱ ttle differentfrom the actual operation due to the software ...

Page 27: ...s direCtory automatica y the cursoris stopped on thθ posⅡ ion of 01 The screen w l dispIay as foⅡ oWs the name of MP3 WMA JPEG MP4 played currently is JPEG f θ the f θ name sha bθ jpg Directory arθ a a directo θ s and na mes inside the disk sWitChing area dispIay the typθ f pIayed f e and switch the dosire file meanstne curren file is MP3or Ⅲ e sⅡ ding bIOck could be w h the traCk File area displa...

Page 28: ... 1n playing pausing to play picture you may press the direction key up doˇ vn eft right to svvitch the disp ay angle UP turn the picture upward l LEFT r tate90degree IeftWard IVlDO Ⅳ N turn the picture horizonta y l RlGHT rotate90degree rightWard PIaying MP3 JPEG Disks 1 1n playing MP3and JPEG lη ixing disk ifthe userˇ vants to broWse the pictures丨 np aying MP3 press direction keyto move the curso...

Page 29: ...only and couldn t be played by this player Do identifyitin buying disks The operation of MP3diskis same w h playing MP4disk MP4disk has video image and auto playis the defau setup forthls player prθ ss stop Return key to return to the menu to fao ate the userto seIectthe MPEGLayers hereinafterreferred to ast a MP5 ls by our domest忆 manufacturers to R D and promote to market MP5p丨ayeris adopted wit...

Page 30: ...ect the games then press sTART On the game controllerto enterthe game 3 DesCription for the Wireless game contro er 1 Press MoDE to enterthe menu ofthe builtin games 2 Press direc刂 on key to selectthe games you ke then press the sTART to enterthe game 3 Enterthe game press the direc刂 on key to select upward downward e仆 Ⅳ ard rightWard A and B key to operate the functions 4 Press Return key on the ...

Page 31: ...isk couldnit be read 1 Checkˇ vhetherthe disk has been loaded and the side with Iabelis plaoed upward 2 The diskis damaged or dirtied please load another disk orclean the disk 3 Thθ regi n codes of disk and player are different 4 The disk formatis wrong lrnproper Irnage sIze 1 setupthe TV system onCe again 2 selectthe correspondIng screen formatfrom the setup menu The track couIdn t be selected 1 ...

Page 32: ... 0utput Porl Audio stereo Video complex video signal output AV USB po for spare MS MMC SD CARD PORT lforspare Video system PAL NTSC AUTo Video Characte stict VideO Characteristics 1 0Vp p 750hm Audio Characteristics Frequency charaCteristics 20 20KHZ 1dB SNR 90dB Total harmonic distortion 001 POwerVo age DC 12V 15A POWer COnsumption About 12W Working Temperature 40 C 60 C Working Humid y 15 75 Noˇ...
