ABN 23 604 979 688 Nerta QLD Pty Ltd t/as Chiefs Australia
07 5493 8868
0476 350 552
3/6 Textile Avenue Warana QLD 4575
more advice or instruction with regard, to the safe operation of this equipment. If the equipment is not operating
correctly, or not doing the job you expected, do not continue. Do not attempt repairs. Please contact Chiefs Australia
and they will take the appropriate action, which may require the unit to be returned to the branch for exchange or
Run off from roads, drains and gutters causes poor water quality and can be harmful to fish and wildlife.
Where waste water consists only of soil and organic matter (no oils or chemicals) it is suitable to dispose of
waste water into a garden or grassed area
Wastewater containing any oil or chemicals must be collected by an appropriate regulated waste company.
For permanent situations, Council approval must be obtained for waste to be disposed of via the sewer
system under a Council Trade Waste permit.
Use sandbags or a portable bund that to prevent waste water from entering drains
Sweep up all waste material rather than hosing down
Avoid using detergents, oils, pesticides or chemicals near drains, gutters and waterways
Work on a grassed or gravelled area away from drains, roadside gutters and waterways
Use a bucket to collect waste water for reuse or proper disposal
Store all detergents, solvents, oils or any other chemicals in a secure area
Collect all waste and use a licensed recycling operator or disposal facility
Clean up spills or leaks using dry absorbent materials such as kitty litter, rags or a bund
Use as little water as possible, or use trigger hoses where necessary
Ensure all staff are aware of their environmental responsibilities
Under the
Environmental Protection Act,
allowing polluted waste water to enter stormwater drains and
roadside gutters and waterways is an offence and non-compliance may result in an on-the-spot fine as
penalties apply.
Stormwater is not treated before entering our local creeks, rivers and waterways. Everyone has a
responsibility to keep our waterways clean
Please note to ensure wash bay compliancy with your local council.