Pull the fabric down and around the front edge
insert the Headrest into the top opening in the fabric. Pull
the fabric around the back of the Seat Frame.
Guide one corner of the metal bar through slot in the Crotch Strap Lock compartment.
With the seat fully
reclined (Position 1), pull the metal bar through the slot from underneath the seat. Make sure the metal bar lays flat on
the bottom of the seat, as shown.
NEVER use Child Restraint without the Crotch Strap installed.
Make sure the Headrest is in the lowest position and open the LATCH storage compartments.
Place the Seat Pad
onto the Seat Frame and thread the Harness Buckle up through the correct slot in the Seat Pad. Then carefully guide the
fabric around the Harness Adjuster Strap Cover.
While pulling on the front elastic strap, press in on
the fabric guiding it into the groove.
Wrap the elastic
strap around the post inside the Cup Holder cutout. Tuck
the fabric edge around the outside Cup Holder frame,
making sure the grooves in the Cup Holder frame are not
covered by the fabric.
Pull on the other elastic strap
while guiding the fabric
down and around the Cup Holder edge and into the notch.
Wrap the elastic strap around the post and repeat for the
other side.
At the front of the Child Restraint
start tucking the
fabric edge into the outside groove following it up the side
to the Cup Holder attachment.
Pull the Harness Straps
through the openings in the
fabric and attach the Chest Clip and the Harness Buckle.
Press and push the fabric around the inside edge of
the orange Lap Belt Guide.
If this becomes difficult, the
blunt end of a pen or something similar may be used to help
tuck the fabric around the edge.
Locate the elastic strap near the back of the Lap Belt
pull on the strap and tuck the fabric around the
upper edge of the Lap Belt Guide. Wrap the elastic strap
around the post inside the LATCH storage compartment.
Close the compartment and repeat for the other side.
Tuck and press the fabric into both side edges of the
Child Restraint.
At the top of edge of the Child Restraint,
locate the plastic tabs. Press both tabs into the top edge
until they stay in position under the tab cutouts.