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ITEM 69480
Possible causes
Likely Solutions
Motor will not start.
1. Low voltage.
2. Key not installed.
3. Short circuit in line cord or plug.
4. Short circuit in motor.
5. Open circuit or loose
connection in motor.
6. Incorrect fuses or circuit breakers.
7. Defective switch.
8. Defective capacitor.
9. Motor overload results in
circuit breaker tripped.
1. Check power supply for proper voltage.
2. Insert Key.
3. Inspect line cord and plug for faulty
insulation or shorted connection.
4. Inspect connection on motor.
5. Inspect connection on motor.
6. Replace with correct fuses or circuit breakers.
7. Replace switch.
8. Replace capacitor.
9. Turn off Table Saw and reset
overload protection.
Motor stalling or
failing to reach
full speed.
1. Power overload.
2. Low voltage from power supply.
3. Undersized line cord.
4. Motor overloaded.
5. Short circuit or loose
connection in motor.
6. Incorrect fuses or circuit breakers.
7. Wood chips clogged.
1. Reduce workload on the power supply.
2. Check power supply for proper voltage.
3. Use cord of adequate size or
reduce wiring length.
4. Reduce load on motor.
5. Inspect the connection in motor for
loose or shorted connection.
6. Replace with correct fuses or circuit breaker.
7. Inspect chip blower assembly and fan
belt. Remove excessive wood chips.
Motor overheats.
1. Motor overloaded.
2. Excessive dust build-up,
decreasing air circulation.
1. Reduce load on motor. Turn off
machine until motor cools down.
2. Remove dust build-up.
Circuit Breaker
frequently trips.
1. Motor overload.
2. Inadequate circuit capacity.
3. Circuit overload.
4. Blades are dull.
1. Reduce load on motor.
2. Connect to larger circuit.
3. Disconnect other devices from circuit.
4. Sharpen or replace blades.
Does not make
accurate 45° and
90° rip cuts.
1. Positive stop not adjusted correctly.
2. Tilt angle pointer not set accurately.
1. Check blade with square and adjust stop.
2. Check blade with square and adjust to zero.
Workpiece pinched
blade during ripping.
1. Rip fence not aligned with blade.
2. Warped wood; edge against
fence not straight.
1. Check and adjust rip fence.
2. Select another piece of wood.
Workpiece binds
on Riving Knife.
Riving Knife not aligned
correctly with blade.
Check and align Riving Knife with blade.
Saw makes
unsatisfactory cuts.
1. Dull blade.
2. Blade mounted backwards.
3. Gum or pitch on blade.
4. Incorrect blade for work being done.
5. Table dirty.
1. Replace blade.
2. Turn the blade around.
3. Remove blade and clean with
turpentine and coarse steel wool.
4. Change the blade.
5. Clean table with turpentine and steel wool.
Follow all safety precautions whenever diagnosing or servicing the tool.
Disconnect power supply before service.