I. O. & M
On this colloid mill, the rotor-stator clearance is continuously adjustable and
may be done “on-t he-fly”. Gap adjust ment m ay be m ade by turning the
on the unit. This wheel acts as a gap s etting micrometer. Three
precision-machined gears regulate shaft movement that resul ts in the gap
setting adjustm ent. On the gear case of the hand wheel, you will find
indicator markings provi ding the appr opriate turning dire ction for gap
adjustment. Clock wise rotation will cl ose the gap while cou nter-clockwise
rotation will open the gap.
The colloid m ill also com es complete with an index wh eel. A Plexiglas
window allows the operator to view the index wheel. The m arkings on this
wheel are unit-less. They are a nominal number scale that may be correlated
to gap setting of the unit.
The “ZERO” designation is a nominal value.
When your machine left the factory, zero was a 0.003-0.005” gap setting.
Your machine is configured to prevent against metal-to-metal contact.
A Greerco
Colloid Mill is available in one of two configurations, horizontal
or vertical. There is no difference in the milling head or mixing processes in
these configurations, merely the machine’s orientation.
Horizontal Configuration – “H” Model Designation
If you have purchase a W
H model colloid m ill, you will be receivi ng
a horizontal colloid m ill. Intended as an in-line piece of processing
equipment, this configuration will allo w for “hard plum b”, directly to the
mill as with other system com ponent. The m ill is equipped with standard
Tri-Clamp Ferrules for quick disconnect and sanitary services.
Vertical Configuration – “V” Model Designation
If you have purchase a W
V model colloid m ill, you will be receivi ng
a vertical colloid m ill. Intended as a batch-processing device, v ertical
models come complete with stainless steel hoppers and recirculation pi ping.
A three-way valve on the recirculation tu be allows for fluid discharge at the
conclusion of the processing cycle.