4. Firmware and Parameter
ArduPilot is continuing to update the firmware so you can access improved flight control and
advanced control technology through tests.
4-1. Firmware Installation
Install the Mission Planner for firmware installation and hardware/software configuration.
Refer to the following document for basic firmware installation method.
The company has completed the final test with Arducopter V4.0.3 Quad.
Figure # 12 Mission Planner - Firmware Installation Screen
Use USB to micro USB to connect the PC and FC, and then use the Mission Planner to install the
suitable firmware for the drone.
4-2. Parameter Change
Change the
Baudrate value of Telem1(based on Pixhawk 3 Pro, SERIAL1_BAUD) port
for communication between Raspberry Pi and FC to
“115200” (Default value : 57600).