386950CE6CD (07-08)
1. Disconnect garden hose from input connector
2. Connect empty out nozzle to end of solution,
insert in end of vacuum hose and seal with hand
Figure 7).
3. Turn on vacuum and pump for 15 seconds. This
will fill the pump and hoses with air and prevent
4. Replace freeze protection drain nozzle to its
storage place.
5. Open machine and drain water from filter bowl.
To keep machine in good working condition simply
follow machine’s daily, weekly, and monthly
maintenance procedures.
For Safety: When servicing machine unplug cords
from wall outlet.
(Every 4 hours of operation)
1. Empty and rinse out recovery tank thoroughly.
2. Remove float shut off screen from recovery tank
and clean (Figure 8, 9).
3. Wipe off power cord and check for damage.
Replace if necessary. Coil cord neatly after use.
4. Clean machine with an all purpose cleaner and
damp cloth.
5. Unlatch locking arms of bayonet coupler attached
to pump (Figure 10).
6. Lift flood pump off mounting bracket located in
the bottom of recovery tank. Note its position so it
can be returned to this location.
7. Guide float switch and discharge pump through
hole in top of waste tank (Figure 11).
8. Remove lint and debris from filter on bottom of
pump (Figure 12). Remove base filter and clean.
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Fig. 7
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12