CheckVideo CV400 Installation Quick Reference Download Page 2

Step Three


 Connect CheckVideo Gateway




Step Six


 Configure Device

A zone, defined by eight end points (first    

point is green; other points are blue)

A completed zone


Connect each camera’s video cable to the camera

connections on the back of the Gateway.

2. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Gateway to

your network.


Connect the Gateway power supply to the Gateway

and plug it in.

4. Wait a few minutes for the power light on the front

of the Gateway to flash rapidly.

5. When the flashing slows to one second per pulse,

your device is ready for registration.



n the CheckVideo Dashboard, click on Devices > Configure


2. Select Device: Select the device and video resolutions for

event clips and DVR. CheckVideo will default both resolutions

to 240p.  You may wish to start with these settings. Your

chosen resolution settings will depend upon the upload

capacity of your Internet provider.


Configure Events: Click the Edit button to create a zone for a

particular object type. Then use your mouse to draw the zone

by clicking the left mouse button wherever you want to define

a point of the zone. The zone should cover the entire area

where you want to detect an event. Enter a time span, event

type, zone, and duration and click Add Event button.

4. Select Notification Method - Central Stations: 

Select a Central

Station type that should receive alert metadata.

5. Select Notification Method - Users:   Click the checkbox next to

For more detailed information, refer to the 

CheckVideo Gateway for 

Broadband Networks Installation Guide

 (available at 

under the Support tab.) 

CheckVideo Gateway back panel

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 CheckVideo, LLC.


CheckVideo is a registered trademark of CheckVideo, LLC. All rights reserved.





Step Four 


Create/Access Your Account


Go to the CheckVideo Dashboard login page:

Click the Start here link to create your account.
If you have an existing account, log in and skip to the next

section to register your CheckVideo devices.

2. Complete the User Information section.


In the Define Notification Methods section, for Contact

Information enter the email addresses that may receive

event notifications. For MMS notifications to mobile phones,

the address format will vary by carrier (ex: mobile number@


Enter the serial number from the bottom of the CheckVideo Gateway device


If camera will be monitored by a central station, contact them to

add the device to their account.

2. If self-monitored:

On the CheckVideo Dashboard, click on Devices > Add Device.

In the Register Device section, enter the serial number found

on the underside of the camera and a Device Name.

Click the Test Device button to make sure the CheckVideo

Software Service (CVSS) can communicate with the device.

(Professional Service only) Authorize service fees.

If prompted, update the device firmware.

Step Five 


Add Gateway Device  Check your carrier’s website for more information.

4. Choose a maximum Video Resolution for each email address.  

If you

intend to use MMS to send video to a mobile phone, do not select a

resolution higher than 480p.  

For 720p or 1080p, send the notifications

as an attached video clip to a traditional email address (ex: jdoe@gmail.

com). Use the Test button to confirm that the video resolution is valid

for your device/carrier.

5. In the Billing Preferences, choose your Service option. If you choose

Central Service, complete the form and CheckVideo Support will contact

you directly.


(Professional Service only) Specify method of payment, authorize service

fees, and accept the License Agreement.

Make sure

 your browser is set to 100% when drawing 

your zone.

any user(s) who should receive notifications for this camera and their 

method of notification.


Click Save.
