Robust and accurate intrusion prevention
check point eventia analyzer
Automate event correlation for compliance audits with
Analyzer integration. Additionally, utilize Eventia
Analyzer to correlate data from IPS-1 and other security
devices to prioritize events for decisive, intelligent action.
intuitive, centralized management
IPS-1 centralized management delivers simplicity with small
deployments and intuitive, powerful centralized control and
scalability for large enterprise deployments. Using graphics,
automation, and wizard-driven features, IPS-1 saves your
security staff time by making management of network security
more intuitive and more efficient.
the fleXibility to Meet the neeDS of
toDay’S DynaMic networkS
IPS-1 delivers the flexibility to meet the ever-changing network
dynamics, policy requirements, and deployment needs of
today’s network environments.
Multiple deployment modes
IPS-1 sensor appliances have a built-in hardware-level
bypass function and can be deployed in passive IDS mode,
inline bridge mode, or inline blocking mode with fail severed/
unsevered, and can be deployed to meet mixed IDS and IPS
chokepoint requirements.
Software-only option
Build your own sensor for deployment, easy staging, or as
a quick, hot spare with the IPS-1 software-only option.
Leverage the fully hardened and secured Check Point operat-
ing system, SecurePlatform
, which combines the simplicity
and builtin security of an appliance with the flexibility of an
open server. Then you can turn an off-the-shelf server into a
high-performance IPS-1 sensor in less than 30 minutes.
open SiGnatUreS anD SiGnatUre lanGUaGe
IPS-1 signatures and its signature language are open, thus
allowing you to see how IPS-1 works, and, more importantly,
enabling you to meet any special, unforeseen security
requirements such as supporting nonstandard protocols.
IPS-1 Sensors
• Hybrid Detection Engine (HDE)
• Attack Confidence Indexing
• Open signature language
• Multi-mode prevention appliance with
fail severed or unsevered options
IPS-1 Management Server
• Optimized data store
• Multi-alert Correlation
• Dynamic shielding
IPS-1 Dashboard
• Check Point Unified Security Architecture
• Scalable, centralized management
• Graphical, Situational Visibility
• Granular forensic analysis
• Reporting and compliance
Flexible Integration
• Check Point products
• Common third-party SIMs
• Nessus
• More
The IPS-1 intrusion prevention system is based on a three-tier architecture, providing reliability and scalability.