Product View
The rechargeable Lithium-ion battery is supplied partially charged.
The following recommendations provide optimal performance and
extend the life of your batteries:
Fully charge all new batteries prior to use.
Do not allow the batteries to discharge below 5 V.
Keep all batteries on continuous charge when not in use.
Batteries may be kept on charge indefinitely without
damage t the receiver or batteries.
Do not store batteries in the receiver or external charger
unless power is applied.
If you must store the batteries, fully charge them before
storing and then recharge them at least every three months.
Charging the Battery
The battery fully charged will take approximately three hours each
using the charger attached.
Connect the Power Adapter and the charger together.
The red LED in the middle indicates the charger is powered
When the battery is placed in the right place, the
Green/Yellow LED will start to flash or turn on.
The Green/Yellow LED indicates the statement of charging.
When it is flashing, it means the battery is on charging, and
the flashing speed tells the progressing of the battery
charging, in other words, when the battery fully charged, the
Green/Yellow LED will keep lighting but no flashing any
Battery Disposing Notices
Discharge the lithium-ion battery before dispose of it. When
disposing the battery, be sure to do so in an environmentally
sensitive manner. Adhere to any local and national regulation
concerning battery disposal or recycling.