2.3. VARiAtioNs iN thE RANGE of usE
Quantity of influence
Maximum variation
No-load output voltage
1 %
Output voltage at maximum load (15W)
2 %
Efficiency at maximum load (15W)
5 %
2.4. ENViRoNmENtAl CoNditioNs
Range of operation: from 0 to 50°C, from 30 to 95% RH without condensation
Range of storage: from -25 to +85°C, from 10 to 90% RH without condensation.
Indoor use.
Altitude: < 2000m
Degree of pollution: 3
2.5. mEChANiCAl ChARACtERistiCs
Dimensions (L x D x H)
160 x 80 x 57mm
1.50m, terminated by a jack.
approximately 510g.
Inrush protection
IP 53 per IEC 60529.
IK 04 per IEC 50102
Straight-straight stacking safety leads 2 metres long.
2.6. ComPliANCE With iNtERNAtioNAl stANdARds
The device is compliant per IEC 61010-2-030 and IEC 61010-031.
2.7. ElECtRomAGNEtiC ComPAtibility (CEm)
The instrument is compliant with standard IEC 61326-1.