Tear open the sealed treatment kit and remove the Patch.
Place the Patch on a flat surface with the absorbent pads facing up.
Clean the treatment site thoroughly with alcohol prep by rubbing for six to eight seconds to remove dry skin, oils and other
contaminants. Allow the treatment site to dry completely.
CAUTION: Failure to clean skin thoroughly may cause excessive skin irritation or burns.
NOTE: The Patch will not adhere sufficiently to skin with lotion, oil or dirt.
NOTE: Clip hair if necessary to improve skin contact. DO NOT shave.
Place approximately 1.5 ml of a water-soluble drug/solution on appropriate polarity pad (active pad). On the other pad (return pad),
apply approximately 1.5 ml of supplied saline ampoule. Use negatively charged water-soluble drugs on the negative (-) drug pad and
positively charged water-soluble drugs on the positive (+) drug pad to actively deliver the drug. For positive (+) polarity, use only
drugs with Chloride (Cl-) counter ions.
NOTE: Fill volume is approximately 1.5 ml. Drug pads should be saturated but not overfilled. If the drug pads are overfilled beyond the
saturation point, the pads may leak and directly affect the adhesion of the Patch to the treatment site.
NOTE: Supplied saline ampoules contain 3.0 ml. Use approximately half and discard the unused portion.
CAUTION: Under-filling or failure to evenly distribute drug or saline onto active or return pads may cause excessive skin irritation
or burns.
DO NOT fill Patch while it is on the patient.
DO NOT over or under fill drug pads.
DO NOT use drugs that are not water-soluble.
DO NOT use drug suspensions.
DO NOT use a Patch that appears altered or damaged.
DO NOT apply Patch to dirty, oily or lotioned skin.
DO NOT use tap water or non-chloride drug solution on positive polarity because this may cause tattooing or staining.
Make sure that the treatment site has intact skin.
CAUTION: Failure to follow these guidelines may result in skin irritation or burns.
WARNING: DO NOT apply the Patch over damaged or denuded skin or other recent scar tissue, skin with ingrown hair, pimples or
razor nicks, skin with wounds that have not healed or sunburned skin.