current vacuum value smaller threshold value2 (and also bigger than threshold
value1), then machine will detect suction bad, and machine will throw material
then suck again. Or else that means suction good, machine will continue
threshold value1 MUST bigger than the vacuum value when machine at no suction
condition; threshold value1 MUST be less than threshold value2. We suggest threshold
value1 less than threshold value2 about
; threshold value2 MUST less than the
current vacuum value
. (Note: Current vacuum value get from 1-3 times good
8.3. Backup and recovery
Backup system set:
backup all the current parameters of system.
Restore system set:
restore previous backup parameters, machine will restart
after restore.
Restore factory set:
restore all the system parameters to factory setting.
USB Load In / Load Out:
Load in all the parameters from USB or load out all the
parameters into USB.
Note: Just load in the parameters will not change the
system parameters, you need to Backup System Set after load in the system
parameters, then the system parameters will be valid in machine.