Some recommended treatment areas
After Smoothing
After smoothing, bathe your feet to re-hydrate the skin. Soak your feet in a lukewarm bath for 15
minutes. Next, dry feet completely and massage Champneys Cracked Heel Balm into the skin.
Should your Luxury Heel Smoother fail to operate please check that it is being used in
accordance with the instructions. It is also important to make sure the battery is correctly fitted, is
in good condition and you have tried a new battery.
You should also check that the battery cover is correctly fitted and that the internal contact
between the battery cover and the switch unit is in correctly alignment.
If after checking the above, the Luxury Heel Smoother is found to be faulty and is within the
guarantee period, it should be returned to your nearest Boots store stocking this item together
with proof of purchase.
If the Luxury Heel Smoother is damaged it should NOT be used. This product contains no user
serviceable parts.