IN the Program 1 to Program 5
In the program 1, the program window will display” MANUAL SPEED & INCLINE”. In the program 2 to
program 5, the program window will display profile.
1. Press enter button to confirm your desired program.
The program window will display “ ENTER YOUR WORKOUT TIME.
2. Press ??? button to set up your desired time to do the exercise.
TIME window will glitter. Press ??— button to set up your desired time to do the exercise.
3. Press the Enter button to confirm your setting value.
In the program 1 to Program 5, the program window will display “PRESS START TO BEGIN”.
3-1 Press ??— button input your age.
3-2 Press ENTER to confirm your age.
3-3 The program window will display “PRESS START TO BEGIN”.
4. Press the Start button to begin exercise.
User 1
In the User 1, the program window will display the profile.
1. Press enter button to confirm your desired user setting program.
The program window will display “ ENTER YOUR WORKOUT TIME.
2. Press ??— button to set up your desired time to do the exercise.
TIME window will glitter. Press ??— button to set up your desired time to do the exercise.
3. Press the Enter button to confirm your setting value.
a. In the program window, the first column of LED matrix, speed window and pulse/incline window
will glitter. Press SPEED ? or —to set up desired speed value and press incline ? or — to set up
desired incline level.
b. Press the enter button to confirm your profile setting.
c. Continue to finish all of the profile setting.
4. The program window will display “PRESS START TO BEGIN”.
Press the start button to begin exercise.