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Extend the Counterpoise.
Extend the counterpoise Antenna Wire from
step (4) along the ground under the raised
horizontal section of the antenna.
Perform operational test.
Horizontal NVIS
The CHA TD LITE Horizontal NVIS configuration, see figure (6), is a special configuration designed to provide good
NVIS propagation on lower frequencies. It is predominately omnidirectional and also provides medium range sky
wave propagation on frequencies above 10 MHz. It is suitable for hasty deployment and requires two supports
that will enable the antenna to be raised to a height of 10
12 feet. Use the following procedure to install the
Horizontal NVIS configuration.
Figure 6. Horizontal NVIS Configuration.
Site Selection and Preparation.
Select a site to deploy the CHA TD LITE
Horizontal NVIS configuration, see figure (6).
The site must have two trees or other supports
that will position the Matching Transformer and
the end of the Antenna Wire to be at a height of
between 10 and 12 feet and 60 feet apart.
Higher or lower heights may be used, but may
reduce NVIS performance.
If not already attached, connect a Carabiner (d)
to the Wire Connector (k) end of the Antenna
Connect the Matching Transformer. Refer to figure
(2) for steps (3)
Connect the Carabiner from one the Antenna
Wires to the Transformer Eyebolt (j).
Connect the Wire Connector from the Antenna
Wire to the Bottom Transformer Connection (i).
Tighten the wing nut finger tight.
This will be the
counterpoise in this configuration.
Connect the Carabiner from the other Antenna
Wire to the Transformer Eyebolt.
Connect the Wire Connector from the Antenna
Wire to the Top Transformer Connection (h).
Tighten the wing nut finger tight.
Connect the UHF Plug from the Coaxial Cable to
the UHF Socket (g) on the Matching
Raise the Antenna.
Using a Bowline or similar knot, tie the end of a
long length (50 feet or more) of Paracord to the
Carabiner from step (5).
Using a throw weight or other method, loop the
Paracord over the support that is closest to
where the radio set will be located.
Raise the Matching Transformer end of the
antenna to a height of 10 to 12 feet and secure
it to the support using a Round Turn and two
Half Hitches, or similar knot.