Prepare your Garage Door
To prevent damage to garage door and opener:
• ALWAYS disable locks BEFORE installing and operating the opener.
• ONLY operate garage door opener at 120 V, 60 Hz to avoid malfunction and damage.
To prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH:
• ALWAYS call a trained door systems technician if garage door binds, sticks, or is out of balance. An unbalanced
garage door may NOT reverse when required.
• NEVER try to loosen, move or adjust garage door, door springs, cables, pulleys, brackets or their hardware, ALL
of which are under EXTREME tension.
• Disable ALL locks and remove ALL ropes connected to garage door BEFORE installing and operating garage door
opener to avoid entanglement.
____ 1. Uninstall previous garage door opener.
____ 2. Disable locks.
____ 3. Remove any ropes connected to the garage door.
____ 4. Check the seal on the bottom of the door. Any gap between the fl oor and the bottom of the door must not
exceed 1/4 inch (6 mm). Otherwise, the safety reversal system may not work properly.
Complete the test below to make sure the garage door is balanced and is not
sticking or binding.
____ 1. Lift the door 3-4 feet off the ground. Release the door. If balanced, it should stay in
place, supported entirely by its springs.
____ 2. Raise and lower the door to check for binding or sticking.
If your door binds, sticks, or is out of balance, contact a trained door systems technician
BEFORE you install this opener.