Chamberlain merlin MT23O Installation And Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 4

Summary of Contents for merlin MT23O

Page 1: ...www chamberlainanz com MT23O Sectional andTiltGarage DoorOpener Installation andOperating Instructions OwnersCopy Pleasekeeptheseinstructionsfor future reference...

Page 2: ...r useby persons removingcovers A l f 1 9 9 r ntgl ff i J ifi il KEE rHEsEtNsrRucno v knowledqe unless theyhavebeengivensupervl sionoriistruction concerning useottheappllance bya person responsible for...

Page 3: ...UIRED s r i 6E r r _ s un EnenownnE PRovtDED 1 MT230 opener 2 Curved doorarm 3 Doormounting bracket 4 Straight doorarm 5 ldler 6 Header bracket 7 Trolley assembly 8 Chain andjoiner 9 Hardware bag 10 O...

Page 4: llcometereo NITALLATIIN TILT DooREXAMzLE sHowN As_ youproceed withtheassembly installation andadjustment procedures inthismanual youmayfindit helpful to referbacktothisillustration ofa completed in...

Page 5: ...NOTE Thelargesprocketmaybe usedfor door typesA andB thesmallerdrivesprocketMUST be usedfor doortypeC Runthechain through thetrolley as illustrated and joinusing thechainconnector Ensure theconnec tori...

Page 6: ...tto provide lravelclearance fortop edgeof door heightdependson doortyperefersection15 Errusrnrr rHEHEADER BRAIKET InstallingHeaderBracketPole A Wall Mount for one piecetilt doors Centrethe brack et 2...

Page 7: ...orsimilar spacer to gauge thedistance between doorandpole 1 Raise theopener ontoa support 2 Openthedoorcompletely place a 50mm spacerbetlveen thedoorandtherail asshown 3 lf thetopsection or panel hit...

Page 8: ...d overthe door REN4OVE 50mmboard Ooerate doormanuallv lf doorhitstheDole raiseheader bracket lhnmr rmt t1 Anmmmr lJlrroImr a Eerrecu MAN ALRELEAiERopE HANDLE Threadone end of rope 1 throughholein top...

Page 9: ...Arm Fastenthe straightand curveddoor arm sections togetherto the longestpossiblelengthwitha 2 or 3 holeoverlap Figure4 Makesurethe garagedoor is fullyclosed Connect thestraight doorarmsectionto the d...

Page 10: ...increase doorarmrigidity Figure3 lf holesincurved armareabove holesin thestraight arm disconnect straight arm andcutapproximately 150mm from solidend Re connect totrolley withcut enddownasillustrated...

Page 11: ...overto exDose the setupcontrols Observethe redandoranqeindibator LEDs The red LEDwillslav on continuousl iat the fullv closedoosition Theoranqe LED willstavon continuous lv at the fullvooen oosition l...

Page 12: ...anel The door will travelto the DOWN limit Pressthe operatebuttonagain thedoorwilltravelto the UP limit The amber LEDmarked oper on the controlpanel will stop flashinq whenthe forcehas beenlearnt Pres...

Page 13: ...ingtrappedundera garagedoor It usesaninvisible beam which whenbroken byanobstruction causes a closing doortoopenandprevents anopen doorfromclosingandis strongly recommended forhomeowners withyoungchil...

Page 14: ...o the Os off setting Installing andadjusting Closethegarage door Turntheooener off Remove thelamocover Ensure thetrimDot ontheoDener issettotheOs off lnstalllhe ProtectorSystem M usingthe brackets wir...

Page 15: ...your opener using the steps below Fixthe warningagainstentrapment labelnearthe wallcontrol ADDINGtransmittersusing the learn button Pressand holddownthetransmitter buttonyouwishto program to lhe oDene...

Page 16: ...eypad thenpressand holdENTER 2 Whileholding the ENTERbutton pressandholdthe LIGHTbut ton on the motiondeiecting controlpanel 3 Continueholdingthe ENTER and LIGHT buttonswhile you pressthe push bar on...

Page 17: ...Va _ F accessoans 1 4odel CM844 2 ModelCN 128 3 ModelC940 4 ModelC943 5 ModelC945 6 Model75LM 4 Channeltransmitter Wirelesswall button Singlechanneltransmitter 3 Channeltransmitter 3 Channelminitrans...

Page 18: ...01280906 neptncepteurPARrs rl s 4 _ 6w__ _ ou ffi o 1 8...

Page 19: ...PDR59003 Service logicboard ffi r E H L W 4 cDR10693 Sidecover PDR40082 Insulated varistor PDR59001 Chasiscompleteassembly cDR11520 Dualsprocket ADR12392 lvlaincoverV2 203D7720 Motorcapacitor E PDR500...

Page 20: ...ion totheopener Inspect doorcontrol wires foranelectrical short eg staple inwire replace asneed ed Disconnect wiresatdoorcontrol touch wirestogether lf opener activates replace doorcontrol lfopener do...

Page 21: ...termittent shortonthewirebetween thewiredwallcontrol andtheopener Clearmemory andre program allwireless wallcontrols and transmitters 6 The door will stop reversesslightly away from the obstruction th...

Page 22: ...14 Thedoorcanbeopened manually bypulling therelease corddownfirmly Tore connect thedoor pushtheredclutchleverupto the topstopposition Theopenerlightwill turnon wheniheopener isinitially plugged in aft...

Page 23: ...sed installer 3 tampering neglect abuse wearandtear accident electri cal storm excessiveuse or conditionsother than normal domestic use Thiswarrantydoes not coverany problems with or relating to the g...

Page 24: ...Trademark of The Chamberlain Group lnc Registered Trademark of The Chamberlain Group Inc O 2009 The Chamberlain Group Inc 114440824 z4...
