Reader does not read
tags (Reader LED is
Red and does not
Check the power supply voltage at the closest termination to the reader
(typically at the Wiegand interface module) with a Digital Multi-Meter
(DMM). You should read >12V DC.
If the wiring distance and gauge are correct and the supply is <12V DC,
replace the power supply with another rated at 12V DC 3A.
Measure the wiring distance between the reader (mounted) and where
the power supply plugs in to the main power source. This distance
should not exceed 50'.
Check the wiring gauge to make sure it is within specifi cation for this
product (Cat5/6 should never be used for power).
If the above all checks out and the reader recovers with a power
cycle to both reader and Wiegand module then investigate the main
(115VAC) supply. If the main power source experiences a brown out
condition (voltage drops below 100VAC but does not go away entirely),
this may lock up the reader and cause it to malfunction.
Switch to a separate main power (115VAC) source or install a UPS
system to provide a more stable power source.
Remove the serial connector (green, white and yellow wires from
reader) from the Wiegand interface module and cycle power to both
devices. If the reader regains normal function then the issue may be in
the Wiegand interface module.
The Wiegand interface has a arming loop feature that will place the RFID
reader into standby mode when the loop input is not active. Check the
arming loop setting of the Wiegand interface module on dip switch S1-5
and make sure this switch is in the off position. If the setting is off and
the problem persists, replace the Wiegand interface module.
If the reader does not recover after a power cycle and the above
troubleshooting does not reveal the problem, there may be an issue
internally in the reader.
Contact your channel partner and request an RMA to send in the reader
for repair or order a replacement.
Reader reads RFID
tags however not at an
adequate range. (The
average read range
should be 20-25')
Check the power supply voltage at the closest termination to the reader
(typically at the Wiegand interface module) with a DMM. You should
read >12V DC.
There is a direct correlation between the quality of the power supplied
to the reader and the reader range. Make sure that the wiring distance
is kept to minimum (no coiled wire), gauge is correct and the supply
is >12V DC. If all checks out proceed to the next section under
Measure the wiring distance between the reader (mounted) and where
the power supply plugs in to the main power source. This distance
should not exceed 50'.
Check the wiring gauge to make sure it is within specifi cation for this
product (Cat5/6 should never be used for power).
You will not experience normal operating range if you are testing
windshield/headlamp mount tags by hand. The tags need the intended
mounting surface to achieve normal operating range.
Temporarily mount the tag to intended surface using tape and retest.
Inspect the mounting of the RFID tags and make sure they are mounted
correctly and away from any interference sources.
Consult the RFID tag installation manual and make sure that the tags are
mounted correctly.
Outside Interference
RFID readers are susceptible to interference from other electronic
devices and environmental conditions.
Make sure the reader has free line of sight to the RFID tag on the
vehicle in the road way. It cannot be obstructed in any way by foliage
(plants, bushes, and trees) or metal (posts, signs, gate arms).
Remove any obstructions that are in front of the reader’s read zone.
Check the area around the installation for other electronic devices that
may emit noise and interference such as high voltage power lines,
fl orescent lights, cell phone towers, high power UHF radio transmitters
or antennas (Including other RFID systems).
Investigate if any of these sources can be temporarily disabled to allow
RFID reader testing. If the RFID reader range increases when the device
is disabled then you have located the source of interference. You may
need to relocate the interference source or RFID reader.
This reader offers a range adjustment on the Wiegand interface module.
This default sets the reader range at maximum however this may have
Confi rm the read range setting using the steps in the installation manual.
Programming Your LiftMaster tags into myQ
When adding a new credential in myQ
Business™, go to the credentials tab, click “Add new credentials” and when selecting type, choose