ENSEMblE 90-3, ModEl No. ENS-90-3
Read These insTRucTions closely
Accessory Kit
Volume control
One (1) is supplied. Use per the instructions on the other side of this guide. Take
particular note of the right angle plug. It needs to be connected to the source of
sound, i.e., computer, VCR, DVD, projector, microphones. The other end goes to the
speaker inputs labeled A, B, and C.
stereo line cord
One (1) is supplied. Use between straight end of
Volume control
and speaker as
an extension cable. Or, use between the audio output/headphone jack and speaker
inputs if volume control is not required.
stereo Rca adaptor cable to 3.5mm stereo
One (1) is supplied. The red and white RCA style plugs on one end and the 3.5 mm
small diameter female jack on the other end identify this cable. Use it with the
line cord
to complete the connection to the speaker. The
Volume control
can also
be used as described above. Plug the right-angle connector into the female jack of
stereo Rca adapter.
VeRy iMPoRTanT
If connecting Cetacea Sound Corp microphones into the Ensemble, use the “AUX
OUT” jack on the Receivers and the Stereo Line Cord as instructed. See separate
microphone instructions on our web site under “Products” and “Literature”.
Any further questions please see our web site for additional information, instructions,
and spec sheets.
if you have questions, call Technical support at 800-556-1922.