4. PMC-220
Hardware installation
Straight through connection
MB-63 Modbus D (+) and D (-) (NOT
) are to be connected to Terminal 7
and 8 respectively.
5. PMC-340-BA
Hardware installation
Straight through connection
MB-63 Modbus D (+) and D (-) (NOT
) are to be connected to Terminal
11 and 12 respectively.
Making sure the device has the correct ID
2s, ↓ x1, PW,
x1, enter the password as 0000 to enter the configuration
mode, then press ↓ until you see the CoM SET, make sure the ID is set to 100.
6. PMC-340-BB
Hardware installation
The white CTs are to be attached to the PMC-340-BB — Pink on top (L)
and White on the bottom (L’).
The black CTs are to be attached to the MB-63.
Terminal 1, 2, 3, and 4 are to be connected to the Red, White, Blue, and
Neutral respectively.
MB-63 Modbus B (+) and A (-) (NOT
) are to be connected to Terminal
12 and 11 respectively — same as PMC-340-BA
Set up the turn ratio of cr1 and cr2 to 600 and 5
The turn ratio of CT1 equals to 0 is invalid! Hence, need to set the turn
ratio to 00605 before tuning it back down to 600.
2s, ↓ x1, PW,
x1, enter the password as 0000 to enter the configuration
mode, then press
until you see the SYS SET,
x1, set the cr1 to 00600, set
the cr2 to 00005,
2s twice to go back to the Main Menu
. (Continue to the
next point).
Making sure the device has the correct ID
2s, ↓ x1, PW,
x1, enter the password as 0000 to enter the configuration
mode, then press ↓ until you see the CoM SET, make sure the ID is set to 100.