This is the installation and registration guide for CET Meter which is referred to as MB-63 or
6M+One device on our system. Throughout the rest of the document, the device will be
addressed as CET Meter
Installation guide
(Link for the SLDs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SK--jg-cPQgHH2JOm3B7fxpZGIdwI27G)
DO NOT power-up the Solar Analytics device before/simultaneously with the CET
Meter. It has to be powered up after the CET Meter.
2. The sequence
DO NOT power-up the Solar Analytics device before/simultaneously with the
CET Meter. It has to be powered up after the CET Meter.
Install the CET device accordingly
Establish the Modbus connection from the CET device to the MB-63 device
Power up the CET device for 30 seconds
Power up the Solar Analytics device
3. What device are we dealing with?
— straight-through connection.
— straight-through connection.
— 3P4W method: using the White CTs.