This door opens the tail cone baggage compart-
ment (Figure 1-11), which holds 300 pounds.
The tail cone compartment door is secured at
the aft side by mechanical latches and a key
lock and is hinged at the left forward edge. The
door is secured by a key lock, which is mon-
itored by the CAS. An amber AFT DOOR mes-
sage appears if the door is unlocked.
A light switch on the right side of the door open-
ing is powered from the battery bus and provides
illumination of the tail cone area for preflight
inspection purposes. If the manual switch is
left on, a microswitch in the door track extin-
guishes the light when the door is closed.
The wing assembly attaches to the bottom of the
fuselage and is constructed of aluminum. Each
wing is also a fuel tank. Electromechanical
speedbrakes and flaps, and hydraulically actu-
ated main landing gear are attached to each
wing (Figure 1-12).
An aileron fence is attached to the inboard side
of each aileron.
The wing leading edges are deiced by inflat-
able deice boots, which are inflated by regu-
lated engine bleed-air. Vortex generators and
stall strips are attached to the leading edge
boots (Figure 1-13).
The empennage consists of a vertical stabilizer
with T-tail mounted horizontal stabilizers
(Figure 1-14). The leading edges of the hori-
zontal and vertical stabilizers are deiced by in-
flatable deice boots.
Figure 1-12. Wing Trailing Edge
Figure 1-13. Stall Strips
Figure 1-14. Empennage
Figure 1-11. Tail Cone Baggage Door