Nice Air Operation Procedure Cessna 172
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
Power On Stall
Carb heat-On
Throttle-1500 RPM
Maintain altitude
Airspeed 55kt-Throttle Full, Carburetor heat-Off, Climb attitude (slightly higher than normal climb at
No need to pull nose up very high. If the nose is too high, it will drop a lot and lose excessive altitude
after stall. To avoid this, maintain the pitch slightly higher than normal climb attitude at which air-
speed is decreasing gradually(about 15 degrees up). Add back pressure to keep this pitch attitude con-
stant as airspeed decrease. Look at the horizon on the both side of the cowling to judge your attitude.
Also, add right rudder as airspeed goes down to keep coordinate.
Release back pressure
Maintain level flight attitude.
Release back pressure gently to return to the level pitch. Wait for the airspeed to increase.
3. Airspeed 60kt(Vx), Climb attitude
4. Positive climb-Airspeed 73kt(Vy)-Level off.
Since the power on stall is the simulation of the departure stall, the altitude you begin this maneuver is
the airport elevation. During recovery, you shouldn’t go below the original altitude. If you do so, that
mean you crash on the ground. You should finish this maneuver at higher altitude than you begin.
5. Airspeed 80kt-Throttle Cruise