Nice Air Operation Procedure Cessna 172
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
In The Beginning
• We have different models of C172:
C172-M (N210AN, N73454)
C172-N (N737TX)
C172-N with P-model engine (N213AN, N23AT, N739HE, N9568G)
C172-P (N212AN)
C172-N with P-model engine is still N-model. Since it has modified according to STC, the P.O.H. has
supplemental Aircraft Flight Manual. Maximum weight, performance speed and operational procedure may
be different from original N-model.
• Check how many hours remains for next 100h inspection and check squawk before take airplane.
Perform pre-flight inspection using check list. Report to the front desk if you need fuel, oil or found some
thing need to be checked by mechanic.
• If the hobbs meter doesn’t much with the one in the tach sheet, report to front desk or instructor before start
the engine.
• Pull out the airplane with tow bar before start the engine. Use tow bar by one hand and pull the airplane by
other hand. After pull out, make sure tow bar is stored in the baggage compartment.
• Do not grab the dash board or post to adjust the seat position. Grab the bottom of instrument panel or win-
dow frame.
• Grab the window frame to close the door. Do not use the black strap to close the door.
• Use both hand to open the door. Sometimes the wind blow out the door.
• Do not put anything on the dash board. It will make scratch on the window shield and affect magnetic com-
pass deviation.
• After secure the seat belt and shoulder harness, put the remaining belt in between the legs.
• The toes must be kept at the bottom of the rudder pedal unless it is necessary to use the brake. Try to mini-
mize the use of the brake during taxi.
• Make tear drop entry and take #1 spot in run up area if possible to maximize the run up area.
• Before landing, make sure toes don’t touch the brakes.
• After landing, perform after landing check list.
After come back to the parking, keep airplane parallel to the center line. DO NOT TURN in the parking
Use tow bar to park the airplane. NEVER push the tail and move the airplane. Instructor must help the
student to park the airplane.
• Use securing check list.
• If the hobbs meter stop in the middle of two numbers, take higher number.
If you find any deficiency, make entry in the squawk sheet and report to the front desk.