Pro75® Instructions, July 2015 revision
Pro75® hardware components (if used):
Reload kit components:
Appropriate size of motor case
Forward closure
Nozzle holder
Threaded retaining rings (2)
Case liner (phenolic tube)
Forward insulator disk
P75-ORK (o-ring kit)
P75-TSI-KIT (smoke tracking grain/insulator & igniter kit)
Propellant grains (check reload kit package for number and
type required for your motor)
Assembly instructions
Be sure to follow the correct instructions for the brand of motor hardware you are using!
Step 1 is the same for both brands of hardware.
All o-rings are pre-lubricated at the factory where required.
Three o-rings are supplied in the P75-ORK o-ring kits. The two larger o-rings are used with both Pro75® and
RMS™ hardware. The smaller o-ring is only used with Pro75® hardware.
Do not apply lubricant to the grain spacer o-rings, they are for spacing only.
Phenolic and phenolic/paper components such as the nozzle and case liner tube are brittle and can be cracked,
broken or otherwise damaged by excessive force or impact. Please be careful during handling and assembly. If
you suspect a part has been damaged in any way, STOP and do not proceed with assembly and especially firing
until inspected and replaced if necessary.
Forward Closure Assembly
Apply a light coating of o-ring lubricant or
grease to the inside of the cavity in the
forward closure. Insert the smoke tracking
charge insulator into this cavity and ensure it
is seated fully.
Apply a liberal layer of grease or o-ring
lubricant to one end of the smoke tracking
grain. Be sure the entire face is coated.
Insert the smoke tracking grain into the
smoke tracking charge insulator, coated end
first. Push the grain in with sufficient force to
fully seat it and spread the lubricant as
shown. The excess lubricant will help prevent
gas leakage forward as well as protecting the
forward closure from heat and combustion
products from the smoke tracking charge.
Step 1.2
Step 1.3
Step 1.1
You may now proceed to the remainder of the instructions for your brand of motor hardware.
Step 2 is for Pro75
hardware users.