HH2S-9XL10 Handheld Remote
2017 Cervis, Inc
2.1.2 Unlock Association Method 2
Method 2 is to use an already associated handheld to perform
a “virtual” UNLOCK. This process
allows users to unlock the receiver from a distance without needing to directly access the MU-
9X15 receiver. A virtual unlock will allow the user to associate with the receiver for a limited time
(five minutes) after which the virtual unlock will expire and the receiver will again become locked;
or, after a successful handheld association, where again, the receiver will automatically become
Associating a Handheld Using the Virtual Unlock Process
Associating a new transmitter using Virtual Unlock can only be performed from a
transmitter that is already associated to the receiver.
This process will unlock association for
minutes allowing the user to associate another
handheld to the machine unit. Once a handheld attempts to associate, the RECEIVER will return
to a locked state.
The target receiver must be powered.
1. Turn on the handheld by pressing the STOP button.
2. Wait for the RX/TX LED to begin blinking rapidly.
3. Press and hold buttons A/B Aux1, AUX2, and then STOP.
Receiver will activate the Association relay to confirm the receiver is now unlocked. The
handheld will then power down.
4. Go to Heading 2.2.
If there is an external horn/light wired to the receiver, that device will sound/light with
the activation of the Associate relay.
Associate a Handheld to a Receiver
This process is required when the handheld memory slot is either empty or the user wishes to
associate to a different receiver.
During this process, a receiver that is in use with another handheld cannot be
1. Turn on the handheld by pressing and releasing the STOP button.
2. Within 1 second,
while the B Select LED is active,
press and release
buttons A/B-AUX 1 and AUX 2.
Figure 8. Associate Step 2
Handheld LEDs will begin cycling indicating the handheld is in maintenance mode.