SmaRT 218, 918
Mode whereby SmaRT handhelds and base units are paired for operation (identities [
exchanged). This mode is used to commission spare handhelds or base units.
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum; an advanced wireless communication technology.
The process of decommisioning a handheld from a base unit
’s identity memory.
Push-to-Operate: Command broadcast only while a button is depressed. The command
ends when the button is released.
Command broadcast while a switch is placed in position or when a button is pressed. The
command ends when the switch is repositioned or when the button is released. Or, in
some cases, when the button is pressed again.
SmaRT Base Unit
Input/output (I/O) unit that the controlled machine is connected to. SmaRT base units
communicate with each other and SmaRT handheld, console, and 18-button handheld
remote controllers.
SmaRT x18 Remote Control System
SmaRT wireless remote control system consisting of one or more SmaRT base units and
a SmaRT 18-button remote control unit that controls the base unit input and output
functions. The system operates either in the 900MHz or 2.4GHz range.
Line of Sight (aka Direct-Line-of-Sight)
Term used to describe radio frequency (RF) communication where the pathway between
the units is clear of physical obstacles such as walls, earth, and other obstructions.
Contact us with questions during installation or troubleshooting at (724) 741-9000