© 2000 Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc.
Document No. 607-0017 Rev. B (07/00)
Ports Send Email Only.
Ports & Temp Sense. Send Email Only.
Send Serial Data to/from Internal RAM. Send Email Only.
Send/Receive Data Internal Cache 4MEG RAM memory
Send/Receive Data. Streaming Data Format
The iModem® Family of products are pin for pin compatible with the
CH179X and CH2056 modem products. Referring to Figure 1, the
CH21XX iModem® Family consists of an industrial grade high speed
modem module and a
P controller with associated internal logic.
P controller and the logic provide all the functions required for
internet communication via standard PSTN telephone lines. The
iModem® utilizes TCP, IP, PPP, PAP, SMTP and POP3 internet
The iModem® requires an external RJ11C jack for the PSTN line
connection. An optional CCITT V.24 serial interface is required
when host processor control of the iModem® is either required or
desired in the specific application.
The iModem® receives iNet AT® commands from the host
processor or receives an event status flag on the Send Email
Control Pin (Pin #6) and proceeds to dial up the local ISP, log on
to the Internet and authenticate and verify user ID and password,
and either send or receive email depending on the command/
status flag received. All received emails are presented on the
RS232 interface for possible further host processing and reten-
The send and receive email function may be aborted at any time
during the email activity by activating the Send Email Control Pin
(Pin #6). This will cause the iModem® to terminate the email
activity and revert to the idle state.
The CH2158/9 and CH2160 iModem® products contain 32K of
extended memory and, therefore, can store limited emails for
later re-transmission. However, to fully utilize the receive email
capability, the RS232 interface should be operational.
Uses Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) with Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) to connect to the Internet.
Uses TCP/IP and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to
send emails.
On Demand and event driven email transmission and
Programmable using serial interface or using PSTN.
Remote programming using PSTN.
Supports V.90, V.34bis, V.34, V.32, V.22bis, V.22A/B,
V.23, V.21, Bell 212A and 103.
Supports V.80 Synchronous operation.
Error correcting: V.42 LAMP, MNP 2-4 and MNP10.
Data Compression: V.42bis and MNP5.
MNP10 Data throughout enhancement for cellular
DTE serial interface with speeds up to 230.4kbps.
Automative baud rate adaptability utilizing speed
sensing, flow control and data buffers.
Send & Receive FAX Class 1, Group 3 supported.
Serial V.24, 5 volt interface.
NVRAM directory and stored profiles.
Standard AT Command structure with extensions.
Cermetek iNet AT® Command extensions.
Built-in DAA with 1500 VAC RMS isolation 2122V peak
surge protection.
UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 950 (Third Edition) Listed,
Reference UL File E104957.
FCC Part 68 Approved/DOT CSA CS-03 Part I
Pin for Pin compatible with CH179X and HS Family of
+5 Volt operation with zero power option.
Small size: 1.35” x 1.97” x 0.61” (nominal).
The iModem®s full range of capabilities and features allows for three
methods of internet control as briefly described below.
Fully Autonomous On Demand and Event Driven Control.
This is the simplest method of operational control. Application of a
10ms TTL low going pulse (i.e., V<0.6) to the Send Email Control Pin
Each iModem® contains a fully functional 56kbps modem along
with the hardware and software needed to provide the internet
Because of this architecture, the iModem® has the unique ability to
operate as either an internet email transceiver or as simply a high
speed modem.
Additionally, the presence of the modem function allows for remote
access to reprogram or reconfigure the iModem® should the need
A valid ISP account ID and password are required to use the internet
features. As a convenience to our customers, and to facilitate
operational use of the iModem®, Cermetek provides on an interim
basis a pre-programmed ISP account and password with each
iModem® delivered.
The iModem® Family is pin compatible with Cermetek’s HS Modem
family and is FCC Part 68 approved and Canadian DOT approveable.
The modules are designed for PCB throughhole mounting and are
1.35” x 1.97” x 0.61” in size.
Cermetek’s iModem® Family of Internet products are the industries
first self contained modules providing a complete PSTN internet
communication solution. Further, the iModem® can operate
autonomously without the need for host processor intervention.
The iModem® Family offers a variety of internet communication
features ranging from simple on demand or event triggered email
transmission (CH2156) to full send and receive unlimited length email
(CH2160). Internet communication control of the iModem® exercised
by using one of the following basic control methods:
Fully Autonomous or event driven control requiring
no host processor intervention.
Semiautonomous control, requiring one command to be
issued from the host processor.
Complete host intervention and supervision.
When choosing an implementation scheme utilizing a host processor,
the host controls the iModem® by issuing Cermetek iNet AT®
Commands which are extensions of the standard Hayes AT command