WDS Status
The Peers MAC Address, antenna 0/1 received signal strength, phy mode and channel
bandwidth for each WDS are available.
MAC Address :
Display MAC address of WDS peer.
Indicate the RSSI of the respective WDS's link.
TX/RX Rate :
Indicate the TX/RX Rate of the respective WDS's link
Indicate the TX/RX sequence of the respective WDS's link
Disconnect :
Administrator can kick out a specific client, click “Delete” button to kick out
specific WDS's link.
3.11 Associated Clients
The administrator can obtain detailed wireless information and all associated clients status via
this page. Please click on
Wireless -> Associated Clients.
The the Associated Clients Status
MAC Access Control is the weakest security approach. WPA or WPA2 security
methods should be used when possible.