Section 9 - Routine Maintenance
Use only genuine Central Boiler Parts and
Accessories if it ever becomes necessary to
replace any component of the outdoor furnace.
Routine inspections and maintenance are essential to the
proper operation and longevity of the outdoor furnace.
The items indicated in the preventive maintenance
schedule are intended to serve as a guideline. Actual
intervals between inspections and maintenance may
vary depending on a number of factors, including your
heat load requirements, type and quality of fuel used,
and outdoor temperatures.
Turn off the FireStar controller before performing
any maintenance.
9.1 Water Level
The water level in the outdoor furnace is safe when
the water level indicator rod is above the vent cap (see
Fig. 56). If adding water is necessary, refer to the Water
Quality and Maintenance section.
Fig. 56
Water level is safe when
water level indicator is
above vent cap.
9.2 Ash Removal
An ash scoop is included with your outdoor furnace. For
your protection, always wear the appropriate personal
protective gear when cleaning ash from the firebox.
Always wear the appropriate personal protective
gear when cleaning ash from the firebox.
When cleaning the outdoor furnace, be
careful not to spill any hot ash outside of the
noncombustible container.
1. Do not allow ash in the burn chamber to accumulate
over the aerator as shown in Fig. 57. Use the
cleaning rod provided to pull the ash forward to the
ash collection area.
Fig. 57
2. It is important to remove the ash in the firebox
before it solidifies to prevent sealing in moisture
on the bottom and along the edges. It is especially
important to scrape all of the firebox where build up
and ash are collected. Any heavy or solidified ash
should be removed.
NOTE: If these maintenance operations are not
performed as directed, deterioration can result
from the moisture trapped between the ash and
the steel.
3. If burning wood pellets with a high ash content, a
hard deposit may form in the burn chamber. Remove
the deposit by scraping the burn chamber with the
cleaning rod provided.
4. Disposal of ash - Place ash in a metal container with
a tight-fitting lid. Store the closed container of ash
on a noncombustible surface, well away from all
combustible materials until ready for final disposal.
Do not dispose (either by burying or other means)
until all cinders have thoroughly cooled.
5. Each time the ash are cleaned out, inspect the
outdoor furnace door rope gasket to make sure it is
sealing properly (see Fig. 59).
9.3 Firebox
NOTE: Proper firebox maintenance is essential
to the longevity of the outdoor furnace.
Remove ash as described in Ash Removal section.
Scrape all surfaces in the firebox, paying close attention
to the corners (see Fig. 58). If needed, the aerator and
burn chamber can be removed for a more thorough
cleaning (see Aerator and Burn Chamber).