Figure 2:
Gain Performance
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Group Delay
When the system is calibrated the actual power delivered to the input
Reference Plane
" is read on the power meter display for power sensor
A. Sensor A is used to monitor and provide feedback to the user or an
ATE system in order to set the "
Reference Plane
" power level. The
power level is set by adjusting the RF Source power level control.
Calibration of the system is accomplished by removing the DUT and
connecting sensor B to the input "
Reference Plane
" in order to deter-
mine the coupler's coupling coefficient and the other losses to the refer-
ence plane.
These losses are:
PmB - PmA
. These losses are frequency dependant
and must be measured at each test frequency.
Coupler through losses and their coupling coefficients are very linear
over their rated power range and therefore only need to be measured at
one power level.
The frequency dependant losses
are then provided to the
power meter in the form of a display offset for
The calibration is complete and the DUT input power level is displayed
directly on the power meter sensor A display.
This setup is quick and easy to calibrate and represents a good test
bench for the R&D laboratory, where a manual control system is suffi-
cient to evaluate performance.
Understanding the compression characteristics of the TA2U50HA
System Amplifier is important in these situations and can often be com-
pensated for in the Automated Test Environment (ATE) by using an iter-
ative set and measure routine to set the input reference plane power
level close to the desired level.
Since the incident power is always accurately provided by a
urement, the requested incident power level does not always need to be
exact for accurate characterization of a DUT.
TA2U50HA Operating Manual
TA2U50HA Operating Manual
TA2U50HA Group Delay