centauro SP 400 Use And Maintenance Manual Download Page 14


Fig. 14-4

Extraction boards

Fig. 14-5

Cutting with guide


Blade guide adjustment

The blade guide thrust wheel must never be adjusted in contact with the back of the blade, but at a distance of 3÷4 mm.
If the blade is sharp and the feed force regular, it must not trip.
On the contrary, the side wheels must skim over the blade, though without locking it, since they have the specific task
of eliminating its vibrations, due to sawing.
The wooden buffers of the bottom blade guide have to be adjusted using the same criteria.


Table block insert

The table block insert has the important function of preventing the blade coming into contact with the table block during
sawing. Moreover has a series of holes aiding sawdust extraction.
When, as a consequence of being used, the passage slot gets widened or chipped, it has to be replaced.


Extraction boards

The two boards 




 (fig. 14-4) have the function

of improving sawdust extraction.
As for the table block insert, they must be replaced
when the slot for the blade is damaged.
To make this slot on a new board, insert it into its
seat with the blade fitted and, moving the flywheels
manually, make a small cut on its head where the
blade passes.
Then, after closing the door and putting the machine
back in running order, complete the cut on the table
normally down to the necessary depth.


Cutting with guide

The guide 

(fig. 14-5) needs to be used when you

want to obtain parallel cuts or identical pieces. In
addition, it is to be used to cut thick pieces for
which there is the danger of tilting over sideways.

Summary of Contents for SP 400

Page 1: ...MANUAL Cod SP1405gb I I I I I B GB GB GB GB G F F F F F D D D D D 2 2 2 2 2 d nd nd nd nd n N O I T I D E N O I T I D E N O I T I D E N O I T I D E N O I T I D E NOTICE read the instructions booklet carefully and keep it for future reference ...

Page 2: ...gh surfaces and corners 7 11 3 4 Risks of accessing moving parts 7 11 4 Protection against non mechanical risks 7 11 4 1 Fire and explosion 7 11 4 2 Noise 7 11 4 3 Emission of shavings and dust 8 11 4 4 Electricity 8 11 4 5 Ergonomics and positioning 8 11 4 6 Vibration 8 11 4 7 Information for Use Maintenance 8 12 RECOMMENDATIONS ANDADVICE FOR SAFE USE 8 12 1 Machine isolation procedure 8 12 2 Gen...

Page 3: ...le block tilting 15 15 BLADE CHOICE AND UPKEEP 15 16 MAINTENANCE 17 16 1 Machine maintenance 17 16 1 1 Belt replacement 17 16 1 2 Flywheel rubber covering replacement 17 16 1 3 Flywheel ring seal replacement 18 16 1 4 Flywheel bearing replacement 18 16 2 Maintenance of the electromagnetic brake 19 16 3 Electric brake maintenance 19 17 MAIN TROUBLEAND RELATIVE REMEDIES 20 A SAFE WORK PROCEDURES TC1...

Page 4: ... P S 0 0 5 P S 0 0 5 P S 0 0 6 P S 0 0 6 P S 0 0 6 P S 0 0 6 P S 0 0 6 P S 0 0 7 P S 0 0 7 P S 0 0 7 P S 0 0 7 P S 0 0 7 P S 0 0 8 P S 0 0 8 P S 0 0 8 P S 0 0 8 P S 0 0 8 P S r e t e m a i d l e e h w y l F m m 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 h t d i w l e e h w y l F m m 2 2 5 3 5 3 0 4 0 4 t h g i e h g n i t t u c x a M m m 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 4 3 0 8 3 0 5 4 h t d i w g n i t t u c x a M m m 0 8 3 0 8...

Page 5: ...rkroom othersourcesofdustandnoise etc thatisthenumber ofmachinesandotheradjacentprocesses Theallowedlevelsofexposuremayalsovaryfromonecountrytoanother In any case this information will enable the user of the machine to make a better evaluation of the danger and of the risk 7 DUSTEMISSION 8 INDIVIDUALPROTECTIONFACILITIES Glovesforhandlingmaterialandchangingblades Non slipandcrush prooffootwear Prot...

Page 6: ...alwayspossible evenwhenthetelescopicprotectioniscorrectlyadjusted and locked in height in relation to the piece to be cut 23 mm above the piece It is therefore essential to keep hands as far away as possible from the blade between one passage and the next use the passage end pusher for pieces with a small cross section use special tools e g special pushers supports for short pieces etc completely ...

Page 7: ...ladeinsidethemachineisprotectedwithinterlockedfixedormobileguards exceptforthesection strictly involved in sawing minimizing this risk Thepassageofthebladethroughtheworktableblockisprotectedbyaninsertofsoftmaterial plasticorwood toprevent its contact with the metal parts 11 3 3 Risks due to rough surfaces and corners All the precautions have been taken to prevent any risk of injury 11 3 4 Risksofa...

Page 8: ...he plug from the socket Thismustbedonebythesamepersondoingthework Ifitisasimplemaintenancejob thispersonmaybetheoperator When the machine is out of order mark it with a sign 12 2 General recommendations Machines for processing wood given the high speed of the tools and the speed of execution are considered the most dangerous ones therefore it is necessary not to underestimate the risks and to conc...

Page 9: ...ntervention is anticipated only SP 400 500 Wear protective gloves while replacing the blade Replacement of mechanical parts must be done exclusively with genuine parts The electrical components must be the ones indicated in the list accompanying the wiring diagram or with others having the same safety features If in doubt consult the manufacturer Non observance of this point involves losing the ma...

Page 10: ...hrequiredforthemachine Lw Lengthrequiredforworkandmaintenance La Auxiliarylengthrequired Wn Width required for the machine Ww Width required for work and maintenance Wa Auxiliarywidthrequired The working area must be sufficiently lighted with 300 lux at least Fig 13 1 Overalldimensions ...

Page 11: ...s compulsory to use the extractor The SP700 SP800 models have two mouths one under the table block and one at the rear Inthetechnicaldatatableonparagraph2 seethediametersoftheabovementionedmouthsandthecapacityrequired by the system for effective extraction Then by means of flexible hoses with an inner diameter corresponding to that of the mouths connect the machine to the centralized system or to ...

Page 12: ...e machine is equipped with a star delta starter turn the knob I as far as the first trip wait for a few seconds for the flywheels to reach full speed then pass on to the second trip optional Intheeventofthepowerbeingcutoff torestartitisnecessarytoturntheknobIback onto O beforerepeatingtheaboveprocedure The same procedure must be adopted if the motor overload cutout is tripped after resetting using...

Page 13: ...CHINE 14 1 Fitting and adjusting the blade Open the doors with the machine at a standstill With the machine stationary open the doors the protection door under the table block and the transparent protection E fig 14 1 of the top blade guide pull then turn revealing the slot through which the blade passes If the machine is equipped with an electric brake the flywheels are normallyidleanditisdefinit...

Page 14: ...oreover has a series of holes aiding sawdust extraction When as a consequence of being used the passage slot gets widened or chipped it has to be replaced 14 4 Extractionboards ThetwoboardsSandT fig 14 4 havethefunction ofimprovingsawdustextraction Asforthetableblockinsert theymustbereplaced when the slot for the blade is damaged To make this slot on a new board insert it into its seatwiththeblade...

Page 15: ...ing Toreturntothenormal position turn the table block as far as the ledge set originally to 0 15 BLADECHOICEANDUPKEEP Blademaintenancemustbedonewiththeutmostcaresincethequalityandvolumeofworkdoneaswellastheservice life of the blades depend directly on it Veryoften thecausesoftroublehabituallyattributedtothemachineareinactualfactduetopoororevenwronghandling of the blades Wethereforebelieveitextreme...

Page 16: ...toothing is suitable for dry and seasoned woods spaced toothing is suitable for soft green or fibrous and even resinous woods the gullet tooth is better if you have a sharpener suitable for sharpening this type of tooth The pitch of the tooth should be chosen in relation to the type of wood and to the cutting height to be made for dry woods and low cuts short pitches for green woods and high cuts ...

Page 17: ...ecessary to take special care over the tempering operation Having made the joint it is necessary to flatten and level the blade so that the thickness is as equal as possible to the rest of the blade It is likewise necessary to check by means of a check rule that the welding is perfectly flat and straight to prevent dangerous oscillation of the blade during operation 16 MAINTENANCE 16 1 Machine mai...

Page 18: ...coursegrainsandpaperandtrimthe edges to the edge of the metal face with a cutting blade The ring seal already has the correct convexity 16 1 4 Flywheel bearing replacement When the bearings after having worked for a reasonable period of time have to be replaced a face of the upper flywheel will have to be previously marked so it can be refitted properly Both flywheels will then have to be removed ...

Page 19: ... centre Fig 16 4 Setting Fig 16 3 Brake setting ADJUSTMENT SCREW AIR GAP r 16 2 Maintenance of the electromagnetic brake As explained above when the stop control is operated the flywheels stop in a time of under 10 seconds If on models equippedwithaself brakingmotor withuse younoticethistime getting longer it is necessary to adjust the brake on the motor Forthisadjustment seealsotheinstructionsshe...

Page 20: ...W e s a b e h t t a t n e b 5 1 h p a r g a r a p e e S e h t e s u a c e b t c e r r o c t o n g n i n e p r a h S n e e b s a h h t e e t e h t f o m o t t o b d e t a e h r e v o 5 1 h p a r g a r a p e e S e t a t s d a b a n i l a e s l e e h w y l F h p a r g a r a p e e s l a e s e h t e c a l p e R 3 1 6 1 e s u r e t f a d e n e k c a l s t o n e d a l B 5 1 h p a r g a r a p e e S d e n ...

Page 21: ...gnment thecontrastwheelinbandsawsmustbereleasedfromthebladetoallowitsfreemovement Withthemachineisolated thetoppulleymustbetiltedtobringthebladeintothecorrectposition Iftheblade is not aligned correctly when it is under tension the procedure must be repeated After alignment it is necessary to check the tension of the blade again A 2 6 With feeders and rip saws the blade has been designed to protru...

Page 22: ...nds close to the blade to support the piece CUTTING WITH A GUIDE ON A BAND SAW A 3 4 Forstraight linecutsaguidemustalways be used to prevent the piece rolling or slipping seefig A 2 Forworkonsmaller thicknesses the guide must be used in the bottom position to allow the guides and U guard of the blade to be adjusted on the piece and in addition to allow safe removal of the material from the area ar...

Page 23: ...irregularshapes see figureA 5 Forrepetitiveworkoncurvedandirregularshapes it is possible to use a guide fixed in front of the blade and complete with a template to improve working speed and safety A 3 12 TRANSVERSECUTOFROUNDPIECES The piece has to be locked to prevent rotation caused by the cutting pressure The piece must be locked by a jig or a retainer suitable for such a purpose The blade must ...

Page 24: ...his regard the provisions of Attachment C must be taken into consideration along with the following A 6 1 Choice of blade The choice of blade must take into account the information supplied by the manufacturer on the noise levels linked with the various forms and categories of tools A 6 2 Thestateofthebladeisimportantforthelimitationofthenoiselevelsduringcutting Theblademustbesubject to careful ma...

Page 25: ...bleandoftheguide useofjigs locks and templates B choice of the most suitable blade for the work setting the teeth tensioning and aligning the blade C safe movement of the piece during cutting position of hands with respect to the blade and safe stacking of pieces before and after cutting D correct adjustment of the top guide and of the guard A 9 TOOLS A 9 1 CHOICE With table band saws the width of...

Page 26: ...efore applying the load A 9 6 BREAKAGEOFTHEBLADES The risk of blades breaking is increased by the following factors A incorrect use of blades jointed with imprecise brazing or butt welding B cracked blades C sharp corners in the space between the teeth causing the formation of cracks D bending of the blade during cutting due to using too wide a blade E incorrect adjustment of the guides or of the ...

Page 27: ...h of the necessary spare parts it is absolutely essential to keep meticulously to the followingprocedures 1 Indicate the model and part number of the machine 2 Indicate the table code and reference number of the parts required 3 Indicate the quantity required ...

Page 28: ...43040045 43 43042102 44 43042121 45 43042117 46 43042126 47 43042124 48 49 50 43070231 51 30212300 52 48200200 53 43042098 Tab 1 SP 400 Rif Ref Nr CODICE CODE Rif Ref Nr CODICE CODE Rif Ref Nr CODICE CODE 54 48200700 55 43042128 56 10160000 57 10140016 58 30020200 59 43042122 60 43042116 61 10010513 62 43042127 63 43042108 64 43042133 65 43042111 66 10140025 67 43042113 68 43042112 69 30212301 70 ...

Page 29: ...B 29 Tab 1 SP 400 ...

Page 30: ...300 48022300 16 28010001 28010001 28010001 28080100 17 43052083 43062060 43072161 43082021 18 27111708 27111715 27111715 27111715 19 05531000 20 43040090 21 07400010 22 43050042 43072170 43072170 43082044 23 10170000 10170000 10170000 10170000 24 05012300 05012300 05021600 25 05072607 05072607 05072603 26 05072608 05072608 05072604 27 43070179 43070179 43082026 28 43060055 43060055 43060055 430600...

Page 31: ...B 31 Tab 2 SP 500 SP 600 SP 700 800 SP ...

Page 32: ...2 43060032 10 48095400 48095400 11 43052101 43052101 12 48140200 48140200 13 43052100 43052100 14 10140027 10140027 15 10160000 10160000 16 43052103 43052103 17 43052102 43052102 18 43083066 43083066 19 48205400 48205400 20 21 01210405 01210405 22 30030300 30030300 23 48097100 48097100 24 10044951 10044951 25 13119178 13119178 26 48013000 2800RPM 43060068A 27 03190303 03190303 28 48109400 48109400...

Page 33: ...B 33 Tab 3 SP 500 SP 600 ...

Page 34: ... 01030102 7 48033200 8 9 10 11 48207500 12 48033700 13 14 48146900 15 48145300 16 10160000 17 18 48011900 19 20 01220405 21 48140900 22 23 30030300 24 48097100 25 10045052 26 43070222 27 28 03200303 29 48032600 30 31 32 33 34 43070042 35 36 37 43070148 38 48033700 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 10140027 47 48105400 48 ...

Page 35: ...B 35 Tab 4 SP 700 ...

Page 36: ...0 2 12010106 3 01030102 4 48033200 5 43082036 6 48022300 7 43082035 8 43070042 9 43070148 10 48022300 11 48105400 12 48105800 13 48150500 14 48031300 15 10160000 16 10140027 17 43070133 18 01220405 19 20 30040400 21 48097100 22 10140027 23 24 13119178 25 03210303 26 48109400 ...

Page 37: ...B 37 Tab 5 SP 800 ...

Page 38: ...133 43072133 43072133 9 43062035 43062035 43062035 10 43052093 43062066 43072166 11 43082037 43082037 43082037 12 43082030 43082030 43082030 13 43052097 43062067 43072167 14 43052098 43062068 43072168 15 43052063 48205600 48207700 16 43040062 48096900 48096900 17 43070157 43070157 43070157 18 43060030 43060030 43060030 19 13101181 13101181 13101181 20 43070158 43070158 43070158 21 27280000 2728000...

Page 39: ...B 39 Tab 6 SP 500 SP 600 SP 700 ...

Page 40: ...43070153 2 43070129 3 48106300 4 43082031 5 43082032 6 48096900 7 43070177 8 43082030 9 43082034 10 43082033 11 43070182 12 43070172 13 43070145 14 43070165 15 10140026 16 48096700 17 43060030 18 13101181 19 43070158 20 43070157 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27202900 29 30 ...

Page 41: ...B 41 Tab 7 SP 800 ...

Page 42: ...2028 43082028 2 43052089 43052089 3 27550109 27550109 4 43042113 43042113 5 27550108 27550108 6 10250001 10250001 7 27550107 27550107 8 27550106 27550106 9 27550105 27550105 10 65200005 65200005 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ...

Page 43: ...B 43 Tab 8 SP 500 SP 600 ...

Page 44: ...00 1 43072169 2 43082028 3 43070233 4 43070240 5 10066602 6 12050101 7 12050102 8 12050100 9 10 12050104 11 12050105 12 12050102 13 12050103 14 1 43082027 2 43082028 3 43070233 4 43070240 5 10066602 6 12050001 7 12050002 8 12050000 9 10 12050004 11 12050005 12 12050002 13 12050003 14 ...

Page 45: ...B 45 Tab 9 SP 700 SP 800 ...

Page 46: ...098801 48098801 3 27090000 27090000 27090000 27090000 4 30131400 30131400 30131400 30131400 5 13113006 13113006 13113006 13113006 6 48098802 48098802 48098802 48098802 7 27081400 27081400 27081500 27081400 8 9 10 43052090 43052090 48098804 48098804 11 27071200 27071200 27071300 27071200 12 43052091 43052091 48098806 48108001 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Page 47: ...B 47 Tab 10 SP 500 SP 600 SP 700 SP 800 ...

Page 48: ...1 12040001 12040001 6 43070131 43070131 43070131 43070131 7 10140028 10140028 10140028 10140028 8 43070026 43070026 43070026 43070026 9 48123600G 48123600G 48123600G 48123600G 10 43052086 43062064 43072164 43082024 11 43052085 43052085 43052085 43082023 12 43052087 43062065 43072165 43082025 13 13427179 13427179 13427179 13427179 14 30141000 30141000 30141000 30141000 15 01550001 01550001 01550001...

Page 49: ...B 49 Tab 11 SP 500 SP 600 SP 700 SP 800 ...

Page 50: ...MACCHINEPERLALAVORAZIONEDELLEGNO CENTAURO S p a 41010 Limidi Modena Italy Via Carpi Ravarino 87 Tel 059 855411 Fax 059 561109 e mail centauro centaurospa it http www centaurospa it ...
