x 4
6.3 - 180° Runout lifted
1. Lift the vehicle so that the wheels are free to turn (you can also lift one wheel at a time)
2. Level all the measuring heads (green LED)
Turn a wheel to a reference position, for example, with the handle of the wheel clamp facing down, level
the measuring head and press
4. Turn the same wheel by half a turn (180°) so that the knob of the wheel clamp faces up, level the mea-
suring head and press
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the other wheels
6. Release the front turn plates and the rear slip plates
7. Lower the vehicle
8. Settle the suspension by forcefully pushing on the vehicle so that it oscillates.
To minimis
e alteration of the suspension settlement with respect to driving on he road, caused
by lifting the vehicle, it is important to release the front turn plates and the rear slip plates and
settle the suspension.