Chapter 9 –UFED Report Manager Software
User Manual
9.3. Data Analysis
The following icons are shown on the left of the
window. Under each icon, the number of items
of each type is shown
The Optional Information Icon allows you to enter any optional
or mandatory fields, as specified in the Tools Settings. This data
is then included in the report.
The Report icon shows the full set of information in HTMLformat
with links to any sections.
The Contacts icon shows the phonebook contacts list, in tabular
format. The table is sortable by clicking on each column header.
The SMS icon shows all SMS messages sent and received with
time stamp for each message.
Call log shows all Outgoing, Incoming and Missed calls with
time stamp for each call. The UFED automatically associates a
name to each phone number, if that number exists in the
phonebook contacts. This association is valid only in the context
of the current state of the phonebook at time of extraction.
The Images icon shows a thumbnail view of each image.
The Videos icon shows a thumbnail view of each video.