Introduction • 1
Welcome to the Celestron world of amateur astronomy! For more than a
quarter of a century, Celestron has provided amateur astronomers with the
tools needed to explore the universe. The Celestron C8 is the most popular
version in our telescope line because it combines large aperture optics with
ease of use and portability. With a mirror diameter of 8 inches, your Celestron
C8 has a light gathering power of 800 times that of the unaided human eye.
Yet, the C8 optical system is extremely compact and portable despite its large
aperture because it utilizes the Schmidt-Cassegrain design. This means you
can take your C8 to the mountains, desert or wherever you observe.
The Celestron C8 is made of the highest quality materials to ensure stability
and durability. All this adds up to a telescope that gives you a lifetime of
pleasure with a minimal amount of maintenance. Furthermore, your Celestron
C8 is versatile — it will grow as your interest grows.
However, your C8 telescope is not limited to astronomical viewing alone. It can
be used as a terrestrial spotting scope to study the world around you. All you
need to do is take the time to familiarize yourself with your C8 and its basic
Your G-8 telescope (#11023) is comprised of two componets, the CG-5
equatorial mount and the 8" optical tube assembly. The first sections of this
manual covers the assembly and use of the CG-5 Eq mount and the 8" optical
tube assembly. The last sections of the manual describe how to use the G-8
telescope as a system and explores such topics as polar alignment, the
celestial coordinate system and astrophotography.
It will take a few observing sessions to familiarize yourself with your telescope,
so don't get discouraged. You should keep this manual handy until you have
fully mastered your telescope's operation.