Open the folder that contains the extracted CFM files and
double click the file called CFM.jar (Windows hides the .jar
file extension by default).
If the “Can’t Find Main Class” error appears, you are using an
outdated version of Java, or you are running from inside the
compressed archive. If you don’t see anything when you start
CFM, or you see the splash screen for just a moment before
it quits, you have an outdated version of Java.
CFM will open and automatically seek any devices connected
to the computer. Wait a few seconds, and CFM should
discover the hand control.
If CFM does not discover the hand control automatically,
check your cable connections and press “Seek Devices” in
CFM. When CFM finds the hand control, the hand control will
display “BOOT LOADER Serial Pass Through OFF.”
If the incorrect telescope model is displayed on the hand
control (Problem #2 above), you can fix this from the
menu in the top left of CFM. If the hand control
displays No Response 16/17 errors (Problem #1 above), you
can skip this step.
Select “Mount Types” from the menu, and the “Select your
telescope type” window appears.
Find your mount and click on the corresponding “Alt Az
(NXS)” box or “Equatorial (GEM)” box. Then, click on the
“Always do what I selected this time” selection at the bottom
of this window. Next, click the Select box at the bottom of the
window to confirm your selections, and the window will close.