The Celestron EdgeHD
Appendix A:
Technical Profiles of EdgeHD Telescopes
When evaluating astronomical telescopes, astroimagers must
bear in mind the many factors that influence image quality. The
major factors at play are:
• The image formed by the telescope
• The sampling by pixels of the image sensor
• The diffraction pattern of the telescope
• The “seeing” quality during exposure
• The guiding accuracy during exposure
To aid astroimagers, this Appendix presents a spot matrix plot
for each of the telescopes in the EdgeHD series. To determine
the size of the images that you observe in your exposures, these
must be compounded with the other factors that affect your images.
In the spot matrix plots we have provided, each large gray box
is 64µm on a side, and consists of a ten small boxes 6.4µm
representing a pixel in a “typical” modern CCD camera. The
black circle represents the diameter of the Airy disk to the first
dark ring. It is immediately clear that for each of the EdgeHDs,
two 6.4µm pixels roughly match the diameter of the Airy disk.
This means that under ideal conditions, a CCD camera with
pixels of this size will capture most of the detail present in the
telescopic image. Referring to Figure A1, the left column shows
the Airy disk for a telescope with a central obstruction of 34%.
Because the light in the Airy disk is concentrated into a smaller
area in the center, capturing all of the image detail in a planetary
or lunar image requires using a 2x or 3x Barlow lens to further
enlarge the Airy disk.
Unfortunately, ideal conditions are fleeting. During a typical CCD
exposure, atmospheric turbulence enlarges the image of all
stars, and furthermore, it causes the images to wander. On the
steadiest nights, the “seeing” effect may be as small as 1 arcsecond.
In Figure A1, the “superb seeing” column shows blurs with a
FWHM (full-width half-maximum) of 1 arcsecond. The next column
shows excellent seeing (1.5”), and the right column shows 2”
seeing blurs, typical of many nights at most observing sites. It
is important to note that as the focal length of the telescope
increases, the diameter of the seeing blur increases in proportion.
With a small telescope, seeing plays a smaller role. With the large
apertures and long focal lengths of the EdgeHD series, nights of
good seeing become particularly valuable.
Shown at the same scale as the matrix spot
diagrams are the Airy disk and the point-spread-function
of seeing disks for average (2.0”), excellent (1.5”), and superb
(1.0”) seeing.
Airy Disk and Seeing Blurs