The AstroMaster LT Alt-Az mount is easy to move wherever you want to point it. The up and down (altitude)
is controlled by the pan handle (Figure 2-10). The side-to-side (azimuth) is controlled by the azimuth lock
(Figure 2-9). The pan handle and the azimuth lock are both loosened by turning the handle and lock coun-
terclockwise. When loose you can find your objects easily and then lock the controls. To lock the controls
in place, turn them clockwise.
The telescope optical tube attaches to the mount via a dovetail slide bar mounting bracket at the top of the
mount (Figure 2-11). The mounting bar is attached along the bottom of the telescope tube.
Before you
attach the optical tube, make sure that the pan handle and azimuth lock are fully locked
. Then put the
dovetail bracket in the horizontal position as shown in Figure 2-10. This will ensure that the mount does not
move suddenly while attaching the telescope optical tube. Also, remove the objective lens cap (refractor) or
the front opening cap (Newtonian). To mount the telescope tube:
1. Remove the protective paper covering the optical tube.
2. Loosen the mounting knob and the mounting safety screw on the side of the dovetail mounting platform
so they do not protrude into the mounting platform – see Figure 2-11.
3. Slide the dovetail mounting bar into the recess on the top of the mounting platform (figure 2-12).
4. Tighten the mounting knob on the dovetail mounting platform to hold the telescope in place.
5. Hand tighten the mounting platform safety screw until the tip touches the side of the mounting bracket.
NOTE: Never loosen any of the knobs
on the telescope tube or mount other
than the pan handle and azimuth locks.
Mounting Knob & Safety Screw
in the dovetail bracket.
Shown is the 90AZ telescope tube
Figure 2-9
Figure 2-11
Figure 2-12
Figure 2-10