My CEIVA will not connect or display new photos:
Be sure to follow the instructions on registering and connecting beginning on page 5� Your
CEIVA will periodically retry whenever a connection attempt has failed� You can also con-
nect by pressing the Menu button and highlighting Connect, then pressing Select�
Make sure all plugs are securely connected to their outlets and to the back of your
CEIVA, and that they are free of dust and debris� You may try plugging your CEIVA
into a different phone/ethernet jack or power outlet in your house, or removing any
splitters to narrow down the problem�
Confirm that your CEIVA is displaying sent photos by pressing Menu and navigating
to What To Display, then pressing Select� Make sure CEIVA Photos is checked and
highlight Save, then press Select�
Log into your account at ceiva�com and check your frame’s settings to make sure
the method of connection is correct and all information about dial-in numbers (for
phone connections) or network settings (for internet connections) is accurate�
Connection problems are often due to temporary phone or internet problems,
which usually resolve themselves within 24 hours�
NOTE: After trying any suggestion that attempts to troubleshoot a connection problem, manually connect your frame
by pressing the Menu button and highlighting Connect, then pressing Select. For further assistance, visit help.ceiva.
com or call us toll-free at 1-877-692-3482 and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Connection troubleshooting for phone connections:
Make sure the phone line is not being used at the same time by another device con-
nected to the same phone line, such as a fax machine�
Check to make sure you don’t hear a delay in the dial tone on your phone line�
If you have DSL, make sure to use a DSL filter when plugging your CEIVA into a
phone outlet�
If you’re not using the phone cord provided in the box, try changing the phone
cord� The phone cord should be no longer than 15 feet�
Some voicemails and other phone features may create a stutter in the dial tone�
Check the line and make sure you have an ordinary continuous tone� This may re-
quire that you clear out any unanswered messages�