Issue 4.0
Communication Equipment & Engineering Company
It is recommended that you ground yourself to prevent ESD
damage to the PCB(s). This can be done through the use of an
electrostatic bracelet or other such device. In the absence of any
such device, it might suffice to simply touch a conduit or other
grounded pipe or object to dissipate any built up static electricity.
Please refer to the diagram on the next page for mini-jumper location
Programming is accomplished by position plastic
hardware mini-jumpers in the proper positions for the desired calling
pattern. The mini-jumpers are designed to bridge pairs of copper pins to
activate the desired dialing pattern.
Locate the ATD-11 Automatic Dialer.
If the number to be programmed is a (1+) call, position the J1 mini-jumper
on the "1+" position, bridging the left and center copper pins. This will
cause the digit "1" to be dialed in front of the other programmed digits. If
the number to be programmed is a local call, position the J1 mini-jumper
on the "B" position, bridging the center and right copper pins.
If a 3 digit area code is to be dialed, the J3 mini-jumper
be set to the
"11" position, bridging the center and left copper pins. If the number
being dialed does not require the area code, position the J3 mini-jumper on
the "8" position, bridging the center and right copper pins.
Set each mini-jumpers on the A-K matrix board to correspond to the digits
of the number to be dialed. Beginning with column “A” at the top,
position the plastic mini-jumper to bridge the pair of copper pins
correspond to the desired digit (1-0). Proceed in the same manner, from
left to right, until all desired digits are programmed. Do not skip any
columns, as the digits must be represented in an unbroken string. Any
unused mini-jumpers
be removed from the board to ensure proper
dialing. Do not discard the unused jumpers, as they may be needed for
future use. It is recommended that they be taped or otherwise secured
somewhere nearby, within the device. Be sure each mini-jumper is
properly positioned to make good contact and dial the intended number.