CEDIMA • Technical Documentation • CF • 4030 Joint Cutter • 194030001 – xx4030xx • Issue Date 17.03.2022
Operator’s obligations
3.2 Local regulations
In addition to this manual, the proper operation of the machine is also regulated by laws
and regulations.
The following regulations also apply to the operation of the machine:
Regulations on operating machines (including laws and regulations not expressly
named here).
Accident prevention regulations.
Internal company regulations.
Information on the machine.
3.3 Operator’s obligations
This chapter contains information on the obligations of the machine operator:
Planning and checking safety measures (Page 23)
Minimising risk of injury (Page 24)
Operating machine fault-free (Page 24)
Precautions in case of a fire (Page 25)
Planning and checking safety measures
The obligation to exercise diligence requires the operator to plan safety measures and to
check their implementation.
This includes observation of the following points:
Measure the noise level at the workplace regularly, and adopt appropriate protective
Check the use of personal safety equipment by your employees.
Educate your employees about the long-term consequences of noise.
Have measurements regularly taken by competent persons according to the state of the
art, and adopt protective measures appropriate to the risk assessment.
Introduce a time management system for the duration of exposure for the operating
personnel in accordance with the German noise and vibration work protection directive
(LärmVibrationsArbSchV). In case of young people and mothers the requirements of
the German Young Persons Employment Act (JArbSchG) and Maternity Protection Act
(MuSchG) and the Maternity Work Safety Directive must be observed.
According to the table “Exposure points for hand-arm vibrations” (see “Technical Rules for
Noise and Vibration Protection Directive”), a daily exposure duration of one hour may not
be exceeded.
Monitor the safety-oriented tasks of the operating personnel. Arrange for adoption of the
precautionary measures in accordance with the Directive on Occupational Healthcare
Precautions (ArbMedVV).
Ensure that the operator has read the original operating manual before commissioning
the machine