Ugolini spa
3 - Set the unit mixer/refrigeration switch of the bowl to
II position.
when Autofill switch is set to position 0, the unit performs
as a standard unit not equipped with Autofill Device.
1 - When the remote fill system is equipped with Sold-out
switches if a product sold-out occurs the Autofill Device
automatically stops and acoustic and visual alarms are
activated. Once product is restored, by keeping manually
pushed the Autofiil switch (located in the rear wall) in II
position, it is possible to manually reactivate the remote fill
system as already told in 3.1.
2 - The 1.25 Amps Fuse located near the terminal block has
the purpose to protect the Autofill Devices from short cir-
cuits or overloads on #1 and #2 poles.
3 - After cleaning and sanitizing procedures carefully dry the
bowl and the clip probe to avoid that the water present on
the bowl may be understood as level reaching the probe
and “causing of stopping of the refill”.
T h e I n - P l a c e S a n i t i z a t i o n o f t h e A u t o f i l l s y s t e m i s
recommended to guarantee the best product taste and the
highest unit efficiency. This section is a procedural guideline
only and is subject to the requirements of the local Health
Prior to perform the In-Place Sanitization the machine must be
emptied of product. To do this proceed as follows:
1 - Use a clean tank for each of the following:
a -Cleaning Tank - fill with warm (45-60 °C / 120 - 140 °F)
potable water.
b -Sanitizing Tank - fill with sanitizing solution (100 PPM
available chlorine concentration or 1 spoon of sodium
hypoclorite diluted with half a gallon of water) according
to your local Health Codes and manufacturer’s
2 - Repeat the following procedure on each of the unit bowls:
a -Disconnect the beverage source and in place of it
connect the Cleaning Tank to the remote fill system line.
b -Set the unit Power Switch to position I. Manually
energize the Autofill Device, by keeping pushed the
Autofill Switch (located on the rear cover of each bowl)
in position II, until the cleaning water flows free from any
beverage residue.
Set the unit Power Switch to position 0 and drain all the
liquid from the bowl.
c -Disconnect the Cleaning Tank and in place of it connect
the Sanitizing Tank to the remote fill system line.
d -Set the unit Power Switch to position I. Manually
energize the Autofill Device, by keeping pushed the
Autofill Switch (located on the rear cover of each bowl)
in position II, until sanitizing solution only outflows.
Flush at least a quarter of a gallon of sanitizing solution
to make sure that all the system has been filled with it.
Set the unit Power Switch to position 0 and drain from
the bowl all the sanitizing solution.
e -Disconnect the Sanitizing Tank and in place of it
connect the Beverage source to the remote fill system
f -Set the unit Power Switch to position I. Manually
energize the Autofill Device, by keeping pushed the
Autofill Switch (located on the rear cover of each bowl)
in position II, until full strengh beverage outflows.
Set the unit Power Switch to position 0 and drain all the
liquid from the bowl.
g -Set the unit Power Switch to position I. Manually
energize the Autofill Device, by keeping pushed the
Autofill Switch (located on the rear cover of each bowl)
in position II, dispense a cup of beverage and check its
t a s t e .
h -If not satisfactory, drain all the liquid from the bowl and
repeat point G until obtaining a satisfactory tasting drink.
: the above Autofill Syestem In Place Sanitization must be
followed by unit cleaning and sanitization as described in
standard unit Operator’s Manual.
inspect the machine for signs of product leaks past seals
and gaskets. If proper assembly does not stop leaks around
seals or gaskets, check for improper lubrication, worn or
damaged parts. Replace parts as needed.
set the Autofill switch to 0 position.
set the unit power switch to I position
set the unit mixer/refrigeration switch to I position (Soft
Drink mode)
place a pail under each faucet and drain all product from
set all control switches to 0 position
Weekly: inspect the contact between the clip probe
and the rear wall. Keep it clean and free from sugar or