False alarms of the detector antenna.
The detector antenna of the KAZA is a microwaves receiver. To be able to detect the radars, this
antenna must be very sensitive, since they emit at very low power. Due to the high sensitivity of the
antenna, it might detect strong transmissions and give off false alarms.
Some devices may confuse the detector antenna:
The pre-collision systems (PCS)/adaptive cruise control systems (ACC) and blind spot
detection systems (BSD) based in radar of some automobiles or trucks can be detected and
get false alarms in MTR band.
Another radar detector installed in a car. If another vehicle has a radar detector and it
circulates near you, the detector antenna will detect the KA band issued by the other
device and it will give off a false alarm. If you are circulating in dense traffic and you
approach and move away from this vehicle, the signal will disappear and reappear. This
may be the most difficult false alarm to detect, since the detector might be in any vehicle
around you.
Mobile telephony repeaters, data radio-links. These repeaters emit in frequencies whose
harmonics may coincide with the KA band. The KAZA detector includes a filter by software to
delimit the KA band to 34.3 Ghz, 35.5 Ghz or Multa Radar, but sometimes the harmonic
coincides and produces a false alarm. These types of false alarms are usually repeated in the
same places.
As explained above, all radar detectors may give off false alarms, and this does not mean they are
not working properly. If your device issues a false alarm, make sure the previous conditions are not
applicable prior to sending it to the technical service department. Sometimes a false alarm may be
produced in a deserted road, leading us to think the unit is faulty. However, although it may seem
implausible, in isolated areas we may find radio-links of automatic land watering units, aircraft and
air navigation radio links and other devices.
Note about the “K” band: If you activate the “K” band in Spain, many interferences and false
warnings will be produced. All the radars that emit in band “K” are fixed and the GPS will warn you
500 m in advance. It is advisable to have it disconnected.
C.D. Products S.A.