CDI 116-7323 Installation And Troubleshooting Manual Download Page 2


Installation and Troubleshooting Guide 

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CDI Electronics  

 111 Commerce Circle 

 Madison, AL 35758 

 Fax 256-772-5701 




Unit will not fire:


1.  Disconnect kill wire AT THE PACK. 
2.  Check for broken or bare wires on the switch box, converter and trigger.  


Check the DVA voltage of the converter, (Read from the blue wire to engine ground), with everything connected. The readings 
should be approximately 180 volts or more on the blue wire, and 11.5 volts or more on the red wire to engine ground. 


Engine will not kill:


Check kill circuit in the pack by using a jumper wire connected to the black/yellow wire coming out of the pack and shorting it to ground. 
If this kills the engine, the kill circuit in the harness or on the boat is bad, possibly the ignition switch. 


High speed miss:


Check DVA voltage on the blue wire to engine ground at high speed. 


Use caution when doing this and do not exceed the rated voltage range of your meter. The reading should show a smooth 

climb in voltage. If there is a sudden or fast drop in voltage right before the miss becomes apparent, the converter is usually at fault. If 
there is no indication of the problem, it could be mechanical problem. 

Coils fire with spark plugs out but not in:


Check for dragging starter or low battery causing slow cranking speed and low voltage to the Converter. DVA test Converter and 



Intermittent firing on one or more cylinders:


1.  Check for low voltage from the converter and trigger. 
2.  Dismount the ignition coils and inspect the coils for cracks and broken ferrite cores. 
3.  Using the connection legend, swap the problem trigger wire input to the switchbox and the associated output wire to see if the 

problem moves to the other cylinder. If it does, the switchbox is likely bad. If it stays on the same cylinder, the trigger is likely 






Cylinder # 

Coil Color 


Trigger Color 

















All cylinders fire but the engine will not crank and run:


Index the flywheel and check timing on all individual cylinders. If the timing varies, replace the switch box.   

Timing Advanced: 


  Using an ohmmeter, check the resistance on the White/Black wire from the switch box to engine ground. You should read 
approximately 8.5K ohms. Readings below 8K ohms or above 9K ohms indicate a bad switch box.



Switch Boxes Blows Repeatedly after a Short Running Time: 


1.  Dismount the ignition coils and inspect the coils for cracks and broken ferrite cores. 
2.  Connect a DC volt meter from engine ground to the kill wire from the engine harness and turn the key switch on and off 

several times, AT NO TIME SHOULD YOU SEE ABOVE .8 VOLTS. A reading above 0.8 volts indicates a problem in the 
keyswitch or harness. 








