Technical information
3.8. "Extra inputs" Option
An extension box (ref PF10Y511) can be used to add
• a remote forced start-up input (normally open, dry contact)
• a pump stop input (normally closed, dry contact)
3.9. Electric protection - Power supply
The control box includes a protection device for the filtering pump which mon-
itors consumed power, but does not include short-circuit protection or ground
fault protection devices. It is essential to ensure that the correct protective sys-
tems are installed upstream of the control box!
The MeteoR2 power supply line must be protected by
• A short-circuit protection of a sufficient calibre (maximum 16A) (sum of the equipment connected
to the MeteoR2).
• A 30mA ground fault protection with a cut-off power superior to the short circuit protection
Control box ref. PF10Y002 is perfectly suited to guarantee the electric protection for the MeteoR2
and the equipment connected to it.