RSA-112Installation and Operation
2. Install the breaker, as described in the Installation section of this manual.
3. Next, re-adjust the upper motor arm travel stop, as follows:
4. Slide the travel stop peg away from the charging arm as far as possible.
5. Actuate the charging handle (manually, or by jogging with the the RSO) until the handle reaches full
travel and the breaker is fully charged.
6. Slide the upper travel stop peg back towards the charging arm until it contacts the motor arm, as
indicated below.
7. With the hard travel stop adjusted, next adjust the travel time on the RSO-IIID.
Turn on and connect the RSO-IIID.
8. Using a stopwatch or other timer, press and hold the JOG button and record the time in seconds it takes
the motor arm reach the upper hard travel stop. This will be the new T1 and T2 setting on the RSO-IIID.
9. Discharge the breaker mechanism.
10. Manually reset the charging handle arm to it’s resting location
11. Enter the new time recorded before as both T1 and T2 on the RSO-IIID.
12. Press the CHARGE/CLOSE button on the RSO-IIID and verify that the breaker charges correctly.
13. Adjust times up or down to ensure that the operator handle makes contact with the hard travel stops
before the RSO-IIID stops the operation, and that the RSO-IIID does not run the RSA for more than 1
second with the arm against the stop.
14. Write down the new T1 and T2, and keep these with the RSA. Adjustment is now complete.